Child abuse: Massive care home scandal inquiry urged
Children's Commissioner for Wales Keith Towler said there was a need for a new inquiry

Children's Commissioner for Wales Keith Towler said there was a need for a new inquiry
First minister Carwyn Jones will meet Wales' children's commissioner on Tuesday after calls were made for a fresh inquiry into child abuse at north Wales care homes in the 1970s and 80s.
It follows claims by one of the victims that he was abused by a leading Thatcher-era Conservative politician.
A three year inquiry into the abuse which spoke to 650 people was published in 2000 by Sir Ronald Waterhouse, but criticism has been made over the constraints of that inquiry.
Every single children’s home in the UK has had many complaints some going back many years of child abuse, these like the Jersey care home Haut De la Garenne have been silenced, Prime Minister David Cameron said today, "he did not want it turn into a gay witch hunt" and many people now adults are finding if they were abused males, which is by far the biggest number, they are being ignored.
Peter Jenkins who was at the Jersey care home said "the only time the kids were safe was when the Germans occupied the island, a poster up in the market place said any attacks on the kids would result in a market place hanging."
How could abuse on this scale have gone on so long ?
One reason is Jimmy Saville was connected to Queens butler Paul Kidd, a child offender for 30 years, Paul Kidd was connected to several politicians, and Sir Anthony Blunt the keeper of the queens pictures, the closeness to the royals is making some people very unhappy.
All child protection services remained silent.
The NSPCC ( Child protection service ) run by Peter Mandelson, a Jewish homosexual politician alleged to be Rothschild’s top man in Britain.
CHILDLINE. A phone safety line for kids to phone, Run by Esther Rantzen, and Sarah Caplin Jewish activist ex-CHILDRENS MINISTER. Margaret Hodge (Oppenheimer ) and Tony Blair's ex next door neighbour, sat on many complaints and did nothing.
RUPERT MURDOCH newspaper magnate, those who rang the newspapers with the scoop of the decade about organised child abuse were ignored.
The BBC, hid up several child abusers among its staff going right back to Guy Burgess, Donald Mc'lean and Sir Anthony Blunt in the 30s, lists have been compiled of boys allegedly murdered by Blunt.
In the early 1990s, allegations of the homosexual abuse in almost 40 children’s' homes in Wales started to surface and in March 1994 Clwyd County Council commissioned an independent inquiry into claims of widespread abuse across north Wales.
But the inquiry's report was never published and the copies were pulped to ensure the local authority was able to maintain its insurance cover.
In the wake of this, and amid growing public pressure, in 1996 the-then Secretary of State for Wales, William Hague, ordered an inquiry into allegations of hundreds of cases of child abuse in care homes in former county council areas of Clwyd and Gwynedd between 1974 and 1990.
A 'Shadowy figure' The tribunal, led by Sir Ronald Waterhouse, heard evidence from more than 650 people who had been in care from 1974 and took almost three years to publish its report.
Counsel for the inquiry mentioned the existence of a shadowy figure of high public standing, but said that there was no substantial evidence to support the allegations.
The Waterhouse Inquiry identified 28 alleged perpetrators but they were never identified in public, although many public figures names are now in the public domain, one of those named as liasing with abusers is Prince Andrew, who is known for his lax morals.
Malcolm King, who led the campaign for a judicial inquiry and became a leading board member of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre told Radio Wales there were areas the inquiry did not go into deeply enough. "It did acknowledge that there were pedophile rings operating but didn't look into it or accept evidence of it," he said. "There are a number of places where it didn't accept evidence where I believe it should have and as a result it left the feeling that somehow other people didn't really want to get at the whole truth."
Chris Ruane, Labour MP for the Vale of Clwyd, is backing Mr Towler's call for a new inquiry but thinks it could also provide scope for a bigger UK-wide inquiry.
Bryn Estyn deputy head, Peter Howarth, was jailed in 1994 for 10 years for sexually abusing teenage boys. He died in jail