Top 10 Reasons to Buy New Shoes
If you are like me, you never really stop to think why you are buying a new pair of shoes. You are just driven by desire to obtain something new. I remind you that I am a boardline shop-aholic (smile), so my perspective is a little skewed. So, just for fun, let's pretend there is a top ten list, like David Letterman's show features each week. Drum roll please...
Number 10: My favorite shoes are damaged or broken.
Number 9: I still have room for more shoes in my closet.
Number 8: My shoes have been seen by all my friends and co-workers
Number 7: I felt pressured to buy something at the shoe sale.
Number 6: All my shoes hurt my feet. I don't have a comfortable pair.
Number 5: I received an email ad/coupon for the best shoe sale.
Number 4: That other girl's shoes are steeling all the attention.
Number 3: You can never have too many black pumps.
Number 2: I deserve to spoil myself.
Number 1: I need hide my unattractive feet on date night.
What are your top ten reasons? Comment to this post and share with us all. Or, better yet, turn it around and tell us your top ten reason to date someone new!
Number 10: My favorite shoes are damaged or broken.
Number 9: I still have room for more shoes in my closet.
Number 8: My shoes have been seen by all my friends and co-workers
Number 7: I felt pressured to buy something at the shoe sale.
Number 6: All my shoes hurt my feet. I don't have a comfortable pair.
Number 5: I received an email ad/coupon for the best shoe sale.
Number 4: That other girl's shoes are steeling all the attention.
Number 3: You can never have too many black pumps.
Number 2: I deserve to spoil myself.
Number 1: I need hide my unattractive feet on date night.
What are your top ten reasons? Comment to this post and share with us all. Or, better yet, turn it around and tell us your top ten reason to date someone new!
Pond - Rock Collection (1997)
Pond's first album (self titled on Sub Pop) was a slow grower for me, but after witnessing a killer live performance in 1993, I was nothing short of enamored with them and eventually their record, which at this stage in the game I regard as nothing less than astonishing, and one of the single best debuts of the '90s. Tight, kinetic guitar rock with a barbed wire exterior cloaking a sickeningly sweet harmonic core. That little summation hardly does Pond justice, but it's a start. IMO, their most crucial asset was Charlie Campbell, whose distinctive fretwork was about as fluid and agile as it came. However, since the Portland, OR trio wasn't quite sludgy enough for the grunge set, they only managed to cast their net so far.
In about two years time, they pitched a curve ball with the insular, idiosyncratic, and often alienating The Practice of Joy Before Death, a record that hardly played to any of their former strengths. Creatively, they redeemed themselves on their third and final go around, Rock Collection, which ironically was delivered courtesy of Sony Records, well after Pond's meager industry buzz had quelled. I regard R/C as a cornucopia of everything Pond had meddled with before, good and otherwise. Near-perfect dispatches "Flawed" and "Golden" are plenty spry and hooky, but it's only on comparative 'throwbacks,' like "Filterless" that they revisit their trademark rhythmic scheme, which colored so much of their intoxicating early endeavors. Several other selections, mostly residing on Collection's first half, are nearly as admirable, but a handful of half-baked song-things gum up the works throughout, leading me to believe this disk would have been stronger had it been whittled down to a more concise ten or eleven tracks. At any rate, you can judge for yourself, and I would further recommend that you treat yourself to Pond's first album if you haven't already. Oh yeah, don't forget their Moth single (featuring their best b-side), which I'm also hosting.
01. Spokes
02. You're Not an Astronaut
03. Scoliosis
04. One Day in the Future
05. Twins
06. You're Not a Seed
07. Flawed
08. My Dog Is An Astronaut, Though
09. Forget
10. Golden
11. Greyhound
12. Rebury Me
13. Filterless
14. untitled 1
15. untitled 2
16. Ugly
In about two years time, they pitched a curve ball with the insular, idiosyncratic, and often alienating The Practice of Joy Before Death, a record that hardly played to any of their former strengths. Creatively, they redeemed themselves on their third and final go around, Rock Collection, which ironically was delivered courtesy of Sony Records, well after Pond's meager industry buzz had quelled. I regard R/C as a cornucopia of everything Pond had meddled with before, good and otherwise. Near-perfect dispatches "Flawed" and "Golden" are plenty spry and hooky, but it's only on comparative 'throwbacks,' like "Filterless" that they revisit their trademark rhythmic scheme, which colored so much of their intoxicating early endeavors. Several other selections, mostly residing on Collection's first half, are nearly as admirable, but a handful of half-baked song-things gum up the works throughout, leading me to believe this disk would have been stronger had it been whittled down to a more concise ten or eleven tracks. At any rate, you can judge for yourself, and I would further recommend that you treat yourself to Pond's first album if you haven't already. Oh yeah, don't forget their Moth single (featuring their best b-side), which I'm also hosting.
01. Spokes
02. You're Not an Astronaut
03. Scoliosis
04. One Day in the Future
05. Twins
06. You're Not a Seed
07. Flawed
08. My Dog Is An Astronaut, Though
09. Forget
10. Golden
11. Greyhound
12. Rebury Me
13. Filterless
14. untitled 1
15. untitled 2
16. Ugly
Dress up for the apocalypse - today!
Last ramble before the New World begins.... Whether or not the rambles will
continue after that, I have no idea! But things feel very positive when I get away
from the news and Hollywood, and talk to people around me, and people I come across
in my day to day life.
The Jewel In The Crown...
The Red Crystal organisation is a version of the Red Cross, specific to Israel. It's symbol
is the star of David. In red. It's the jewel in the crown. Jewel is Jew.el is Jew god. The Jew
God in the Crown. And it's in Israel. The Star of David is 6 pointed. You can make a 6 pointed
crystal shape by putting two square pyramids together, their bases joined. Or you can treat
the Star of David as a cutout shape to make up to a 3 D shape. Why else does it have
internal lines? Then you make it up to be a hexagonal pyramid, with a hexagon base, and 6
sloping triangle sides going to a point. Just like a jewel.
The BANES 6 pointed star...
So lucky are we here in Bath and North East Somerset. The symbol of our council is a 6
pointed star, sideways on, made up of two interlocking triangles in two hues of blue. It
wouldn't make a hexagonal pyramid, but it could easily represent a 6 pointed crystal made of
two square pyramids. I am sure every council will have some sort of esoteric symbol, and it
gives us a clue to its purpose.
Good signs...
People are cutting down on Christmas, not planning quite as much, fed up with it. It's as if
they subliminally know that things may change.
The Festival of Britain, Main Stage...
The show continues and gets increasingly ludicrous and obvious. This time the Queen is
pictured at 10 Downing Street in the cabinet meeting! I think this is set up to show people that
the Queen and politicians are interchangeable. And you can add celebs and religious leaders
into that list too. Not many people realised the PM visits the Queen every week. But they do
now! Kate was on TV the other day like a celeb, presenting some awards. It's all part of the
stage show. Their acting is getting more and more hammy. All the stage curtains are dropping
away. Everything is coming to the fore, as it must do. It's as if there is a contractual obligation
for the elites to reveal everything! Apocalypse means revealing of the hidden.
TAP - Kate's meant to be the Diana replacement, She shows more interest in being a
Victoria Beckham/Hello Magazine cash aware clothes horse, than in the DIana role of earth
mother. Diana said to the world 'you are wonderful', which was unacceptable to the Zionist
Windsors. The only permitted message to the plebs is 'aren't we wonderful?' William looks
tired of the whole thing.
The next two days...
I am personally looking forward to the next two days. I will be meditating as much as I can
tomorrow. We have all day while the lines are in harmony. Meditating can be done whatever
you are doing. You can just do it in a focused joyful loving way. Its not what you do, its the
way that you do it! It seems important to enjoy the day, because joy is a high vibration.
Though you will almost certainly get more power if you can get to a special place, and be in a
more prayer like state. I personally won't be able to keep that up all day, but I will be for some
of the day. For some reason I am drawn to wear certain colours tomorrow!
A diamond is forever...
A diamond is a star. The stars are forever. There are billions of stars. Do we each have our
own star?
Seeing numbers...
I had a big dose last night. Logged on, computer clock said 20:12. Then as I logged off, it
said 20:21. These synchronicities seem to be getting more and more frequent for many
Wells and Obelisks...
Wells are round holes in the ground. Obelisks are square pegs pointing to the sky. Square
pegs and round holes?
TAP - blog won't post any new stuff at the moment. Have they shut us down?
The apocalypse welcomed by Google. I'll wear a bright shirt tomorrow!
New on SuliWrites...
Few communicate as well as this man
Cancer's a form of fungal attack on the human body. The fungicides used by agribusiness dismantle the body's own defences against cancer. That's why the governments of the world are trying to get rid of organic foods.
Fluoride is a brain suppressant.
Vaccines are another attack designed to dismantle the body's defences against illness. Kids have twenty by aged 2.
Codex Alimentarius is killing off the nutrients in foods. They are trying to mass cull the population.
The electromagnetic soup we are surrounded by is also dismantling our ability to fight cancers.
Anti-biotics in farm feeds increase deaths from resistant bacteria
By Dr. Mercola
The United States uses nearly 30 million pounds of antibiotics annually in food production. Livestock antibiotic use accounts for 80 percent of the total antibiotics sold in the US, and unnecessary use of antibiotics in food animals (cows, pigs, chickens, and turkeys) is a major driving force behind the rampant development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Compare this to the 6 million pounds of antibiotics that are used for every man, woman and child in the US combined. But unlike human use, in which antibiotics are prescribed to treat serious infection, in animals, drugs such as penicillins and tetracyclines are routinely added to animal feed as a cheap way to make the animals grow faster.The primary reason why concentrated animal feedlot operations (CAFOs) are such hotbeds for breeding antibiotic-resistant bacteria is because of the continuous feeding of low doses of antibiotics to the animals, which allows pathogens to survive, adapt, and eventually, thrive.In short, American food producers are trading slightly reduced production costs (i.e. more meat per animal) for more lethal illnesses — both in animals and humans. Just one of several now resistant pathogens, Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), is responsible for more than 94,000 infections and 18,000 deaths in the US each year!
Food Producers Now Responsible for Rapid Increase in Lethal Diseases
To combat the dramatic rise in antibiotic-resistant disease, the most important step is to curb the misuse of antibiotics in food production. Sure, we need to start prescribing antibiotics more judiciously in the medical setting as well, but when you consider that medical use of antibiotics accounts for just 20 percent of all the antibiotics sold each year, it makes sense to restrict the primary culprit the hardest, or else we'll never make a dent in this problem.Alas, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has continually fallen short in this regard. Instead of enforcing stricter regulations, the agency has simply asked food producers to voluntarily limit their use of certain antibiotics. In fact, on December 22, 2011, the agency quietly posted a notice in the Federal Register1 that it was effectively reneging on its plan to reduce the use of antibiotics in agricultural animal feed – a plan it has been touting since 1977!According to the Federal Register:"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) is withdrawing two 1977 notices of opportunity for a hearing (NOOH), which proposed to withdraw certain approved uses of penicillin and tetracyclines intended for use in feeds for food-producing animals based in part on microbial food safety concerns."
FDA Sued for Withholding Drug Data
But that's not all. The FDA now stands accused of wrongfully withholding data regarding the sale of antibiotics for use in food animals — a move that makes it virtually impossible to evaluate the extent to which these drugs are causing harm. On December 5, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) filed a lawsuit against the FDA after the agency refused to release data on the amount of antibiotics sold for use in food animals in 2009.
Paedophiles in power
I have two petitions on the No 10 website, neither of them are doing well at the moment. They are crucial to the success of this campaign to open up the allegations of paedopholia to full and proper public scutiny. Please support and promote these petitions if you support the objectives behind them. The links are set out below.
Enjoy the festive season and I wish you the very best of luck for the New Year.
Sandy Hook. Israeli revenge.
Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath: Intelligence analyst
Today, Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.”
Harris cited Israeli “rage” against the US and against President Barack Obama. By “Israel,” we mean “Netanyahu.”
The mission was to teach America a lesson, knowing that “America would take the punishment, keep “quiet,” and let a ‘fall guy’ take the blame.”
A “fall guy” is another word for “patsy.”
Harris, citing the flood of inconsistencies in the “cover story,” pointed out the following, “The facts are now becoming obvious. This is another case where Israel has chosen violence and terrorism where their bullying in Washington has failed. Israel believes the US “threw them under the bus,” particularly after the recent Gaza war, allowing Israel to be humiliated in the United Nations. Their response was to stage a terror attack, targeting America in the most hideous and brutal way possible, in fact, an Israeli “signature attack,” one that butchers children, one reminiscent of the attacks that killed so many children in Gaza?”
Washington is terrified of Israel, their powerful lobby and its relationship with organized crime. Now, a key former Senator, Chuck Hagel, who has helped expose this fact, is likely to be nominated as the secretary of defense, despite vocal protests from Israel.
Today, Israeli news gave further credence to Harris’ analysis when they issued the following statements regarding the probable nomination of Hegel:
“Chuck Hagel’s statements and actions regarding Israel have raised serious concerns for many Americans who care about Israel,” said the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Executive Director, Matt Brooks. “The Jewish community and every American who supports a strong US-Israel relationship have cause for alarm if the president taps Hagel for such an important post.”
“The appointment of Chuck Hagel would be a slap in the face for every American who is concerned about the safety of Israel,” he asserted
Citing a 2006 interview with Hegel, the news continued, “The political reality is…that the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here. I have always argued against some of the dumb things they do because I don’t think it’s in the interest of Israel. I just don’t think it’s smart for Israel.”
Hagel also said he didn’t think he had ever signed one of the letters the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) regularly circulates to demonstrate support for Israel or tough stands against parties such as Iran.
“I didn’t sign the letter because it was a stupid letter…I’m not an Israeli senator, I’m a United States senator.”
During his interview today, Mike Harris explained his rationale for looking to Israel as responsible for Sandy Hook, saying “This is exactly what Israel did in Norway; the political party that voted sanctions against Israel was retaliated against by a “lone gunman” who killed 77 children. This is what Israel always does, they go after the children. It is what they do in Gaza every day. It is what was done in Norway. It is what happened at Sandy Hook. Nobody buys the “lone gunman” story anymore, not with the Gabby Giffords’ shooting, not with the Aurora “Batman” shooting, certainly not with Breveik, and certainly not in Connecticut.”
After Harris’ broadcast, key members of the military and law enforcement community contacted Veterans Today in full support of Harris’ analysis.
One three star general is quoted as saying, “Harris hit the nail right on the head and it is about time someone spoke up.”
As days have passed, key issues involving the Sandy Hook terror attack have been cited as “debunking” the “lone gunman” cover story: From a viral email that is growing every hour with more reasons to doubt the official story: According to the official story, Adam Lanza was found with his older brother’s ID, and it was not stolen. However, older brother Ryan - whom officials say is very cooperative - claims not to have even seen his brother since 2010. Where would Adam get this ID? And why does such use not qualify as a theft?
According to the official story, Adam Lanza was wearing a black outfit with a mask and bulletproof vest. Why would he want to hide his identity, and why would he wear a bulletproof vest if he planned to kill himself?
The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with 223 (rifle) casings. However, Adam Lanza was found dead at the school with only handguns - a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. Then he could not have possibly been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did then?
According to the official story, the killings was tightly confined to two classrooms. Then why were so many children told to close their eyes while leaving the building?
Joanne Didonato, the principal’s secretary, called in sick on Friday - something she rarely does. So presumably, she must have been awfully ill. Yet she then felt well enough to give an interview. “Of all days,” she said, emphasizing the strange coincidence.
Why were there such persistent reports that Mrs. Lanza was a kindergarten teacher, and that she died at the school when the new official story is that she was not connected to the school and was killed at home?
What happened to the report that Adam Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey?
What happened to the woodsman in a black jacket and camo pants who was arrested and handcuffed outside the school? He actually shouted to parents, “It wasn’t me.” Who was he and what was he doing there?
What happened to the dark van or SUV that the police surrounded in the parking lot or the maroon sedan with a blown-out back window they were on the lookout for?
The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector, who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her “autistic” son access to both guns and ammo?
A child asserts that he/she heard someone say, “Put your hands up,” followed by the reply, “Don’t shoot.” This indicates that the police took a suspect into custody inside the school. But if that was Adam Lanza, how did he kill himself after that point?
Another child asserts that he/she saw a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. Again, this indicates that the police took a suspect into custody. If that was Adam Lanza, how did he then kill himself?
Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?
Did the school have one or more security cameras? What do they show?
Why did a police officer specifically mention on radio that “they’re coming at me through this wood” followed by a fellow officer saying, “This is it”?
One officer at the school said, “We’ve got one suspect down.” Who was that? Down in this situation generally means in custody (on the ground and cuffed) not dead.
Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said (oxymoronically), “[Lanza and his friends] always gathered alone in a corner in school”?
Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it is for their own benefit?
Is it a coincidence that Nancy Lanza’s brother is Kingston Police Officer James Champion, who lives next door to the former Lanza home?
This is only a small percentage of the irregularities noted in what now seems to be more of a cover-up than investigation.
In truth, the public may well just be sick of hearing stories about “lone gunmen.” Of all possible horrors, this one, even more than the Benghazi killings, is loaded with political implication, not just “gun control,” but a clear attack on the security of every American family.
The simplest thing would be to sit back and accept what we are told without examining who gains, who loses and “why now?”
Is Harris right? Would Israel order the deaths of twenty tiny children to make a political point? Have they done this before?
Is Harris right about that too?
Moments ago, Harris phoned me. I asked him if, hours later, he was still willing to back up his statements.
His answer was simple: “You murder children as part of ‘business as usual,’ you shouldn’t be surprised that when children are murdered, people look to you.”

Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath: Intelligence analyst

Mourners leave from the Honan funeral home in the small town of Newtown, Connecticut after attending the funeral for six-year-old Jack Pinto, one of the victims of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.
Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:33PM GMT
By Gordon Duff
In truth, the public may well just be sick of hearing stories about “lone gunmen.” Of all possible horrors, this one, even more than the Benghazi killings, is loaded with political implication, not just “gun control,” but a clear attack on the security of every American family.
Related Interviews:
Days later, the Sandy Hook Massacre, the iconic slaughter of twenty small children, is now looking like a terrorist attack, not a “murder suicide.” Was “lone gunman” Adam Lanza a “patsy,” the same word Lee Harvey Oswald used to describe himself before being “silenced” in November 1963?
Today, Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.”
Harris cited Israeli “rage” against the US and against President Barack Obama. By “Israel,” we mean “Netanyahu.”
The mission was to teach America a lesson, knowing that “America would take the punishment, keep “quiet,” and let a ‘fall guy’ take the blame.”
A “fall guy” is another word for “patsy.”
Harris, citing the flood of inconsistencies in the “cover story,” pointed out the following, “The facts are now becoming obvious. This is another case where Israel has chosen violence and terrorism where their bullying in Washington has failed. Israel believes the US “threw them under the bus,” particularly after the recent Gaza war, allowing Israel to be humiliated in the United Nations. Their response was to stage a terror attack, targeting America in the most hideous and brutal way possible, in fact, an Israeli “signature attack,” one that butchers children, one reminiscent of the attacks that killed so many children in Gaza?”
Washington is terrified of Israel, their powerful lobby and its relationship with organized crime. Now, a key former Senator, Chuck Hagel, who has helped expose this fact, is likely to be nominated as the secretary of defense, despite vocal protests from Israel.
Today, Israeli news gave further credence to Harris’ analysis when they issued the following statements regarding the probable nomination of Hegel:
“Chuck Hagel’s statements and actions regarding Israel have raised serious concerns for many Americans who care about Israel,” said the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Executive Director, Matt Brooks. “The Jewish community and every American who supports a strong US-Israel relationship have cause for alarm if the president taps Hagel for such an important post.”
“The appointment of Chuck Hagel would be a slap in the face for every American who is concerned about the safety of Israel,” he asserted
Citing a 2006 interview with Hegel, the news continued, “The political reality is…that the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here. I have always argued against some of the dumb things they do because I don’t think it’s in the interest of Israel. I just don’t think it’s smart for Israel.”
Hagel also said he didn’t think he had ever signed one of the letters the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) regularly circulates to demonstrate support for Israel or tough stands against parties such as Iran.
“I didn’t sign the letter because it was a stupid letter…I’m not an Israeli senator, I’m a United States senator.”
During his interview today, Mike Harris explained his rationale for looking to Israel as responsible for Sandy Hook, saying “This is exactly what Israel did in Norway; the political party that voted sanctions against Israel was retaliated against by a “lone gunman” who killed 77 children. This is what Israel always does, they go after the children. It is what they do in Gaza every day. It is what was done in Norway. It is what happened at Sandy Hook. Nobody buys the “lone gunman” story anymore, not with the Gabby Giffords’ shooting, not with the Aurora “Batman” shooting, certainly not with Breveik, and certainly not in Connecticut.”
After Harris’ broadcast, key members of the military and law enforcement community contacted Veterans Today in full support of Harris’ analysis.
One three star general is quoted as saying, “Harris hit the nail right on the head and it is about time someone spoke up.”
As days have passed, key issues involving the Sandy Hook terror attack have been cited as “debunking” the “lone gunman” cover story: From a viral email that is growing every hour with more reasons to doubt the official story: According to the official story, Adam Lanza was found with his older brother’s ID, and it was not stolen. However, older brother Ryan - whom officials say is very cooperative - claims not to have even seen his brother since 2010. Where would Adam get this ID? And why does such use not qualify as a theft?
According to the official story, Adam Lanza was wearing a black outfit with a mask and bulletproof vest. Why would he want to hide his identity, and why would he wear a bulletproof vest if he planned to kill himself?
The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with 223 (rifle) casings. However, Adam Lanza was found dead at the school with only handguns - a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. Then he could not have possibly been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did then?
According to the official story, the killings was tightly confined to two classrooms. Then why were so many children told to close their eyes while leaving the building?
Joanne Didonato, the principal’s secretary, called in sick on Friday - something she rarely does. So presumably, she must have been awfully ill. Yet she then felt well enough to give an interview. “Of all days,” she said, emphasizing the strange coincidence.
Why were there such persistent reports that Mrs. Lanza was a kindergarten teacher, and that she died at the school when the new official story is that she was not connected to the school and was killed at home?
What happened to the report that Adam Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey?
What happened to the woodsman in a black jacket and camo pants who was arrested and handcuffed outside the school? He actually shouted to parents, “It wasn’t me.” Who was he and what was he doing there?
What happened to the dark van or SUV that the police surrounded in the parking lot or the maroon sedan with a blown-out back window they were on the lookout for?
The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector, who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her “autistic” son access to both guns and ammo?
A child asserts that he/she heard someone say, “Put your hands up,” followed by the reply, “Don’t shoot.” This indicates that the police took a suspect into custody inside the school. But if that was Adam Lanza, how did he kill himself after that point?
Another child asserts that he/she saw a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. Again, this indicates that the police took a suspect into custody. If that was Adam Lanza, how did he then kill himself?
Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?
Did the school have one or more security cameras? What do they show?
Why did a police officer specifically mention on radio that “they’re coming at me through this wood” followed by a fellow officer saying, “This is it”?
One officer at the school said, “We’ve got one suspect down.” Who was that? Down in this situation generally means in custody (on the ground and cuffed) not dead.
Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said (oxymoronically), “[Lanza and his friends] always gathered alone in a corner in school”?
Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it is for their own benefit?
Is it a coincidence that Nancy Lanza’s brother is Kingston Police Officer James Champion, who lives next door to the former Lanza home?
This is only a small percentage of the irregularities noted in what now seems to be more of a cover-up than investigation.
In truth, the public may well just be sick of hearing stories about “lone gunmen.” Of all possible horrors, this one, even more than the Benghazi killings, is loaded with political implication, not just “gun control,” but a clear attack on the security of every American family.
The simplest thing would be to sit back and accept what we are told without examining who gains, who loses and “why now?”
Is Harris right? Would Israel order the deaths of twenty tiny children to make a political point? Have they done this before?
Is Harris right about that too?
Moments ago, Harris phoned me. I asked him if, hours later, he was still willing to back up his statements.
His answer was simple: “You murder children as part of ‘business as usual,’ you shouldn’t be surprised that when children are murdered, people look to you.”

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic representative for UN humanitarian and economic development efforts. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest. More Press TV articles by Gordon Duff
Shoot first. Ask questions later.
A veteran from Iraq, turned conscientious objector, speaks out.
HETT adds 'War is a crime' as another Iraq veteran seeks alternatives to war.
The Sandy Hook/LIBOR links
The father of Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza, a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial, one of the many corporations owned and controlled by the international central banks, and was also a partner at Ernst & Young. ¹ The father of James Holmes is Robert Holmes, and, at the time of the shooting, the lead fraud scientist for the credit score company FICO. ²
FICO works with all major banks and is directly connected to the function of London Inter-Bank Offered Rate, or LIBOR. I have read the claim, in both cases, that these men were actually slated to testify in the LIBOR hearings before the U.S. Congress, but I have not been able to find anything substantial or conclusive to prove that. Both men, however, it has been evidenced, were quite knowledgeable on the LIBOR interest rate fixing scandal, with at least the potentiality to be subpoenaed for testimony in hearings regarding the fraudulent scheme.
16 international central banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. This is undoubtedly the largest financial fraud scheme within our collective lifetimes, and I would venture to say, in the history of the world.
If you think that the international banking mafia/cartel is not capable of murder, and it all sounds too impossible to believe that these incidents are more than coincidences, consider the case of Kevin Krim. Kevin was a CNBC executive responsible for publishing news of a $43 trillion lawsuit that implicated "top government officials in the Obama White House along with several major US banks, bankers involved in the wrongdoing, and their profiteering cronies." ³
His family ended up murdered the day after with the mild-mannered, highly-praised nanny being blamed for the murders. If all of these situations sound more like coincidences rather than conspiracies to you, then it seems to me that you don't know exactly how ruthless these crooks are. Suffice it to say, that to compare them to the mafia in terms of murderous ruthlessness could best be paralleled by respectively comparing the New York Yankees to a Little League team.
They literally persuade governments to start wars, so that they can finance both sides, and no matter who wins or loses, they are always winners, because they will always be receiving their interest payments at the end of any given conflict. You need look no further than to investigate who financed the Nazis to build them up into a power that would be dangerous enough to justify a second world war, which they desperately sought, in order to increase support for the establishment of the UN, with the overall goal being one world government, otherwise known as the New World Order. The Rockefellers, the Morgans, and even Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush, are all implicated in being party to the international banking cartel, and, at best, indirect financiers of Hitler's Nazi party.
Another factor of consideration is the fact that we have seen the most marked increase in "mass shootings," and incidents billed as "mass shootings," since the time that the UN small arms treaty has been being considered here in the US. Not only have these two incidents shown marked discrepancies between "official" accounts, the Sikh Temple shooting as well had eyewitness accounts of multiple suspects(four shooters with a paramilitary appearance, in this case), with the "official" story claiming that there was only one shooter.
Sandy Hook fraud on film
Great laugh pretending to be a bereaved parent. Daily Mail cuts out the pre-filming laughter naturally. See the same film on link below.
- Eileen Flick what does this mean? who is robbie parker? is he a father? there should be all of the report not just him announcing his name.... Im skeptical
- Artie Ficial Facts WTF??? Can this be verified as having been broadcast while I assume that this guy Parker is a family member of one of the victims?
- Kevin Field writesAmericans have again had a horrific shooting in which children were targeted for killing, this is the latest of a series of similar attacks, Mossad informants tell us that Connecticut was chosen because they were the first US state to ban Mercury fillings in peoples teeth and plan to take this across the USA along with an anti-Flouridation in the drinking water programme.
Rothschild owns all the Mercury mines and the only real use for it is in peoples teeth, strangely if you spill Mercury on the floor it is deemed so toxic that a team will come out in one piece suits to dig it from the floorboards, yet they fill our kids teeth with it, it is possible that this was a revenge attack on Connecticut exactly as claimed.
The main reason for the government School attacks psyops against the US electorate is so the people call for a gun ban,
the people need to be made defenceless before the government can implement the Fema camp legislation and
lock up all dissidents and "useless eaters".
The Rothschild's planned and funded the 1917 Russian revolution allowed Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin to bring starvation and mass murder to the people and the US communist system is now bringing it to you, but first you must be disarmed.
The 9/11 attacks have been exposed as the biggest false flag attack of modern times, that a government would do this to its own nation is evil of the highest order, yet alone what it is doing to Iraq Afghanistan Libya Syria etcmany Americans are saying " our senate would not do this to us " yet they fund and allow the genocide of Palestinians and the wiping of Palestine from the map so why wouldnt they allow this too ?
Whistleblowers in both Britian and the USA say a US civil war has long been planned, the population will be intentionally decimated in line with Bilderberg goals.
Human history revisited.
From Roy Wright.
Here's a clutch of others on similar theme.
How humanity is programmed. The Chabad Lubavitch sect of the Jewish religion seems to be in control of the programming. Total loyalty to fiat money. Corruption holds people in check. We're living in The Jewish Century (title of book). People are demonised when they don't owe the IMF money - and their nations are enslaved...Libya, Syria and so on.
Illuminati bankers meet to sacrifice child on 12.21.2012 (US)
I know the name Beckham is huge in Asia. Putting 10 year old Romeo in a sexual image is Burberry's latest attention-grab. Childhood and innocence sacrificed. The man's eyes are satanic. I think we get the picture.
Top 12 Illuminati Banksters Meet for Satanic Child Sacrifice in Denver on December 21st, 22nd!
Stew Webb is reporting that just like this past Summer, the top 12 Illuminati Banksters will be meeting for their disgusting child sacrifice right in downtown Denver Colorado in the basement levels of the “The Navarre” museum which used to be an old whorehouse and casino but now sits basically abandoned and not open to the public.
The Satanists will be meeting on the evening of the 21st with the sacrifice happening in the early morning hours of the 22nd.
Stew says that they will steal a baby in the area and sacrifice it and then drink their blood to please Satan.
Before you laugh about this and think it’s not true, please be sure to fully investigate all the details for yourself.
This is the evil Council of 13 that so many have written about throughout the years. They run the world behind the scenes with their banking cartel. It is the top 12 Illuminati Banksters with the 13th spot for the Devil!
These men have been meeting in secret to do their evil on the Summer and Winter solstices for a very long time according to Stew Webb’s information. Stew’s sources in the secret service confirm that H.W. Bush was there during the last sacrifice on June 21st and will be there again this year along with Henry Kissinger, Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel and others.
Stew Webb will be doing radio broadcasts about this event also up until the date and really needs everybody’s help spreading the information around the Internet so he can get people on the ground protesting and observing the event. He wants people to knock on the door of the Navarre and ask the big security guards about the party!
Stew Webb has all the information on who will be attending, where the meeting will be including secondary locations, and much more on this page.
Please share the following page with as many people as you can through facebook and all other social media and websites. With your help we can put the light of God on these men that think we are all their slaves and that they have the right to sacrifice newborn infants to Satan!
TAP - You can be sure the British elites will be doing the same thing somewhere nearer to home.
TAP - You can be sure the British elites will be doing the same thing somewhere nearer to home.
Radioblaster - Sugar-Shock (1995, Squirtgun)
Man, I really wish I had been paying attention when these guys (and girl) were still active. I probably came across their name dozens of times, what with them being just across the lake in Toronto. Much has been said about Canadian indie rock, especially the 1990s variety which Radioblaster deftly embody on Sugar-Shock. Shades of the Halifax and Maritime provincial aesthetic are busting out all over this half-hour of crunchy, saccharine power, which finds this trio borrowing liberally from the more melodic muse of Eric's Trip, and even early Thrush Hermit and Hardship Post. More coincidental than not, Small 23, and Australia's Pollyanna, would have slotted perfectly on Radioblaster's sonic palette. The proceedings unravel ever so slightly on the tail end of Sugar, but overall this beaut is a mid-fi triumph that's not to be passed over if you're an enthusiast of any of the aforementioned. See? Who said I only give gifts on Chanukah. You can read another thoughtful assessment of this album here.
01. Revision
02. Pushed Forward
03. Goin' Steady
04. Sketch
05. No Punchbacks
06. T-Shirt
07. Take Me Away
08. Why You Weatin' Me?
09. G-Force
10. Good to Go
01. Revision
02. Pushed Forward
03. Goin' Steady
04. Sketch
05. No Punchbacks
06. T-Shirt
07. Take Me Away
08. Why You Weatin' Me?
09. G-Force
10. Good to Go
CIA supplied ETA with explosives
The CIA Alliance With ETA
Secret Spanish Government Report Mentions CIA’s Alliance With ETA in Assassination Plot
Terrorism experts have obtained Spanish government documents indicating how the CIA supplied sophisticated explosives to ETA terrorists during the assassination of Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco in 1973. Police and military information sources have stated that "Kissinger himself gave the green light."
A Special Report
By Mario Andrade
More than 30 years after the horrific assassination of Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco in Spain, no one had known the exact details about the attack. Government officials had only speculated that ETA was behind the bombing that took his life. However, new revelations point out that ETA terrorists, assisted by the CIA carried out the sophisticated bombing that ended the life of Francisco Franco’s handpicked successor to power in 1973.
A few hours after the bombing, the initial police reports indicated that the assassins had dug a tunnel under the street where the admiral used to drive to and from church. The explosives were detonated by remote control as his car was driving over the tunnel. The admiral was on his way home from attending church services. Suddenly, a massive explosion hurled his vehicle more than 100 feet and landed on the second floor terrace of one the church buildings. No one had admitted carrying out the attack at that time. Police said the killers triggered the bomb from a nearby basement in what appeared to be a very sophisticated assassination.
But according to Journalists Enrique Montánchez and Pedro Canales, their newspaper “La Razón” has obtained secret government documents that tell the rest of the story. “Previously, many different theories and versions of the story didn’t fully explain the murder of Admiral Carrero,” they say in one of their recent articles. Finally, 30 years after the sophisticated assassination, they have had access to secret government documents prepared and drafted during Franco’s regime. These memos and reports point out to the CIA’s involvement in assisting ETA in Carrero's assassination plot in order to put an end to what was considered at that time, a continuity of Franco’s government with Carrero in power. One of the documents stated that the Americans brought several mines from Fort Bliss, which they would later be issued to Basque separatists.
Revisit Diana's BBC interview.
especially comments.
The documentary Unlawful Killing has not been licensed for distribution in the UK. Some of the documentary is taken from this interview, especially the pieces in which she foretells her demise in a car crash, which she was threatened with, both by Charles and, as described in Unlawful Killing, Nicholas Soames. This doesn't appear in the interview clips.
It's very revealing, and inspiring.
'That's the problem. I won't go quietly.'
I'm a free spirit. I'm not a political animal. I know I can give love, and I want to do that.
Studio discussion of the documentary Unlawful Killing
Also sent in by Peter Wright, another inspiring teller of truths, Jesse Ventura -
especially comments.
The documentary Unlawful Killing has not been licensed for distribution in the UK. Some of the documentary is taken from this interview, especially the pieces in which she foretells her demise in a car crash, which she was threatened with, both by Charles and, as described in Unlawful Killing, Nicholas Soames. This doesn't appear in the interview clips.
It's very revealing, and inspiring.
'That's the problem. I won't go quietly.'
I'm a free spirit. I'm not a political animal. I know I can give love, and I want to do that.
Studio discussion of the documentary Unlawful Killing
Also sent in by Peter Wright, another inspiring teller of truths, Jesse Ventura -
Unlawful Killing will not get general release in UK, but it's available in the rest of the world.
Hi Tap they never have been keen on Publicity relating to this incident, the time lag in getting her to Hospital has always struck me as being very strange, & apparently the Tunnel has Key Occult Significance related to The Templars.

The other point I was reading about is that whilst the film has been distributed on a World Wide Basis, the only place it wont be available is in Britain, as special Insurrance is required Link Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed died in August 1997
Keith Allen's Controversial Unlawful Killing Film About Princess Diana Will NOT Get General Release
A controversial film about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales has been shelved forever just a year after it was panned by critics.
British actor Keith Allen, the father of singer Lily Allen, directed the documentaryUnlawful Killing, which charts the 2008 inquest into the tragic royal's death in a car crash in Paris, France in 1997.
British actor Keith Allen, the father of singer Lily Allen, directed the documentaryUnlawful Killing, which charts the 2008 inquest into the tragic royal's death in a car crash in Paris, France in 1997.

Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed died in August 1997
It caused outrage in the UK over its use of a graphic photo of Diana moments after the crash, and was slated by critics when it was unveiled at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival - and now it's emerged the film will not get a general release.
A spokesman for the producers tells Britain's Daily Mail newspaper, "Unlawful Killinghad been sold all around the world, including the U.S. But there was a specific form of insurance needed by the U.S. distributors to cover them for their U.K. and French offices. This proved impossible to secure. As a result of this the film has been withdrawn in perpetuity."
It caused outrage in the UK over its use of a graphic photo of Diana moments after the crash, and was slated by critics when it was unveiled at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival - and now it's emerged the film will not get a general release.
A spokesman for the producers tells Britain's Daily Mail newspaper, "Unlawful Killinghad been sold all around the world, including the U.S. But there was a specific form of insurance needed by the U.S. distributors to cover them for their U.K. and French offices. This proved impossible to secure. As a result of this the film has been withdrawn in perpetuity."
THE ONLY Difference would point to the fact that this is where The Royals Hang Out, & The City Control System Operates From.
She was doing too much Stirring against Armaments, A CROWN BUSINESS not to be taken out, HRH E2 warned her about DARK FORCES remember. The DARK FORCES are operated by that lot.
Tremendous Profits are being generated by their war & AFGHAN DRUG MACHINE, they don't want this upset by People Knowing Too Much, least of all the possibility of another enquiry.
Murdouch, & Brooks, know a lot more about this, Brooks will be up for Interrogation shortly, & Murdoch according to Fulford the beginning part of the year was giving valuable information. Make of that what you will.
REGARDS ............ WASP
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