Hi Tap, I get your point regarding the discouragement factor, I was looking at it from a purely a Research Point of View. I will do the CHEM- TRAILS Stuff Again , I have more to add to it.
I note that your H in H Savile image has been wiped, so here is your missing image, not too difficult to find, they can't knock out every site, can they? It should be scalable, so you shouldn't have any problems.
TAP - Thanks, WASP. I note they never show him with boys who he raped just as happily as girls. Cameron called it a 'homophobic witchhunt'......nothing homophobic in this picture. I guess Cameron knows the Tory abusers he's protecting from exposure are more into boys.
TAP - Thanks, WASP. I note they never show him with boys who he raped just as happily as girls. Cameron called it a 'homophobic witchhunt'......nothing homophobic in this picture. I guess Cameron knows the Tory abusers he's protecting from exposure are more into boys.
And Here is The Only Fully Searchable PAEDO SITE, I sent it before but you forgot to include it or missed the Link, with a little ingenuity you can find much stuff on here. You will find some very interesting stuff on Sutcliffe ( who was a MASON) seen shaking Hands (GRIP) with Frank Bruno also a MASON. Also look at COVERUPS, SAFETY TIPS inc TEXT CODES, & STATS
EXTRACT from PAEDO SITE 'Children have rights in society' - C.H.R.I.S.
In 2011/2012 the police received reports of a scam which involved a number of social network sites posing as genuine modelling agencies and inciting children to pose in their underwear.
A number of false Facebook profiles were set up posing as modelling agencies; the profiles used an agency logo to give the impression that it was a genuine.
They then contact children via email asking them if they are interested in modelling. After a series of emails, the children are pressurised into sending photographs of themselves in their underwear.
Further Confirmation
Former UK prime minister
One of those who stood most to lose was Sir Edward Heath, the former prime minister from 1970-74, who was known to visit the Jersey care home the Haute Garrene among others to take young boys on boating weekends on his yacht called ‘Morning Cloud’, or as his bodyguards referred to it, ‘Morning Sickness’.

Another famous person linked with Jersey and Savile was Wilfred Bramble (pic below) best known for his role in the British television series Steptoe and Son.

From September 2007, police took 1,776 statements from 192 alleged victims, identifying 151 alleged abusers and only seven people were successfully prosecuted. WHY ? Because the majority of abusers are being protected
The BBC brass didn’t like Blyton’s work – ‘there is rather a lot of the Pinky-winky-Doodle-doodle Dum-dum type of name’ – and Gamlin, glad to have a job, didn’t hesitate to overrule what children wanted in order to please Room 432. .......
On 23 May 1949, Lionel Gamlin, producer of the Light Programme’s Hello Children, wrote to Enid Blyton to ask whether she would be willing to be interviewed about the best holiday she could remember. ‘Dear Mr Gamlin,’ Blyton wrote the next day. ‘Thank you for your nice letter. It all sounds very interesting but I ought to warn you of something you obviously don’t know, but which has been well known in the literary and publishing world for some time – I and my stories are completely banned by the BBC as far as children are concerned.’ .....
Lionel Gamlin, born in Birkenhead in 1903, was a Cambridge graduate who came to broadcasting via acting, a profession he turned to in the mid-1930s after he got tired of being a schoolmaster. He once said he had liked teaching because it kept him young, but acting let him be other people, and in the 1940s he thrived ........
From Room 432 at Broadcasting House, Gamlin later received a memo addressed to him by Derek McCulloch, the producer and presenter of Children’s Hour. McCulloch was known to every child growing up between the mid-1930s and 1950 as ‘Uncle Mac’ and was as famous to them as anyone could be. The memo was marked ‘Enid Blyton Stories’ and, in red, ‘strictly confidential and urgent’. ‘I will be grateful,’ McCulloch wrote, ‘if you would first discuss with me should you be considering the inclusion of material by the above author
In the issue of Lilliput magazine for May 1943 Gamlin wrote an essay called ‘Why I Hate Boys’, which is signed ‘A School-Master’. It was a developing theme, boys, children, whatever, and in 1946 Methuen published a book written by Gamlin and Anthony Gilbert called Don’t Be Afreud! A Short Guide to Youth Control (The Book of the Weak). The book is just about as funny as it wants to be, with author photographs (‘aged 7 and 8 approx’) and a caption: ‘The authors on their way to the Psychoanalyst’. Gamlin, in common with later youthquakers such as Jimmy Savile, never liked children, never had any, never wanted any, and on the whole couldn’t bear them, except on occasion to fuck. And, again like Savile, Gamlin managed all this quite brilliantly, hiding in plain sight as a youth presenter full of good sport but who didn’t really care for youth and all its pieties. This was in the days before ‘victims’ – days that our present media and their audiences find unimaginable
But Gamlin lived his double life in the country that existed before Cliff Richard. On the back of his broadcasting fame, and his other interests, he became a spokesman on the tribulations of the Ovalteens. At the Albert Hall in 1949, he followed the Duke of Edinburgh and Clement Attlee in speaking at the Daily Mail Youth Forum – an audience of six thousand young people from around the world. He described himself as ‘a middle-aged old fogey’ (he was 46)............
Though Gamlin’s activities were under wraps until now, there have long been rumours about McCulloch. He was given the OBE in 1964 and died in 1967, the same year as Gamlin. Of the three men named to me as I talked to people about the BBC in those days, Uncle Mac is the one who stirs the strongest emotions. In his book Strange Places, Questionable People, published in 1998, John Simpson, the BBC’s world affairs editor, writes about his early days there. In 1967
It would take another 53 years for Savile to be unmasked. And the BBC employed him for nearly all of that time and the nation loved him. If the Savile story – and the stories that constitute a hinterland at the BBC – turn out to involve a great conspiracy, it will be a conspiracy that the whole country had a part in. There will always be a certain amount of embarrassment about Savile, not because we didn’t know but because we did. I contacted Dan Davies to see how things were going with the sale of his book. Turns out every major publisher had turned it down. ‘It remains,’ Dan said, ‘the biography everyone wants to read but no publisher has the balls to publish. Just 140,000 words of interviews over six years, days and nights spent talking to him at his various homes, thousands of miles of ocean crossed in his company, scores of friends; associates hunted down and grilled. The millstone gets heavier and heavier. Let me know if you need anything – quotes, background, detail, a stetson hat given to him by Elvis Presley in 1962.’ I emailed him back immediately, telling him to hold the stetson. I then asked whether he knew anything about Lionel Gamlin and the old guard at Broadcasting House. ‘He was an old actor, wasn’t he?’ Davies replied. ‘Part of a paedo ring at the BBC, I presume.’
REGARDS .............. WASP