About 2 weeks ago, I was enjoying a round of golf at my club here in the north of the Netherlands, when I noticed lots of these filaments drifting through the air. I wondered what the cause could be because I'd never seen anything like it before. Having read this article, this seems to be the explanation. The description of this phenomenon correlates perfectly with what I saw.
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather by 2025, clearly states an intent to use technology to control the weather and the father of weather weapons, Ben Livingstone, states that for decades aircraft have been able to start, stop and steer storms by seeding the clouds.
Oxbridge is especially on board as many of their pre-notables recently spoke at the Geoengineering talks at the recent U.N. backed Planet Under Pressure conference in London.
So where are we now? After almost two decades of warning folks of, what in my opinion, is the greatest threat to humanity in history, let alone life on earth itself, how close are people to actually stopping this? When i began alerting the public to this not many knew of Chemtrails or grasped the significance of what i was telling them. That has altered dramatically. Now many more people have heard of Chemtrails, geoengineering, aerial spraying, (and i don’t mean crop spraying), call it what you will… more people than ever now understand the mortal danger they are in. So much so, that if one were to walk out after a nuclear attack they would be presented with much the same environmental toxicity as the Chemtrail materials. Many more people are beginning to see this scenario being played out in the real world every day and view it as such. That the sky is a toxic plasma and that’s the real climate change.
We should be screaming from the bell towers about this humanicide instead of being calm and measured though only through constant sharing of information can one make a decision how to proceed. Critical mass is also key though the human race is on to stop the Chemtrails before too many perish. This war on humanity has stepped up a gear and it’s up to the individual to reassert their rights to a healthy life before it’s too late.
Eye witness accounts from the last few days have fostered a wave of reports that Chem-webs, as they are commonly called, are dropping upon the Isle of Wight, southern England. In Yorkshire only a few weeks ago these phenomena were filmed covering whole areas of park in a web-like film. These are not spider’s webs. They are gone when poked with a stick. They must not, under any circumstances, be touched by hand as numerous independent studies have revealed they are polymers sprayed from aircraft and a favourite way of being the carrier for many molds, fungus and bacteria to ride on their backs. See more here: http://www.carnicominstitute.org/
I myself witnessed the fallout, clearly visible to the naked eye, like ash from chimneys, the very same morning the Chem-webs were filmed in south Yorkshire. See video here:
Also from November 14th 2012 thousands of birds are reported to be falling out of the sky ten miles off the Portsmouth coast. So anyone who sees small birds washed up in these numbers should get an independent analysis done and this would add to the evidence. This may be connected.
In the language certain globalists, the crux of the matter is that this enterprise is hidden in plain sight and the great media deception is incomplete so not perfect. While we have the internet let’s use it until we’re back to pigeons, pamphleteering and piracy. The mainstream does not yet have a grip on the independent alternative media though it is tightening it’s clammy, predatory paws. Read more about this incident here.
In this only too brief article, it is hoped that many more awaken from their chem-slumber. This writer is convinced that when enough critical mass is reached, when enough people know of Chemtrails, the aerial assault on our skies will be halted. There is no doubt in my mind that this will happen.
It is imperative, once the reader has researched enough, that they add to this information battle so that a peaceful resolution can be accomplished. There has never been a more important time to act. Humanity is being made so sick that in the near future we may not be fit enough to resist.
In an effort to present to the public as much information as i possibly could in a talk, I have included this film of a recent event in Portsmouth, England:
We need you help urgently in order bring this issue to the forefront of the public consciousness.
Please alert as many people as you can.
Humanity, as we know it, is running out of time.