This is from my friend Maggie Tuttle who has started a charity for children on the streets running away from the 'care system'.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:31 AM
For two years I have worked up to 18 hours a day by seven, researching into the abuse of children in the care system, very briefly and to the point, children world wide are a multi billion pound industry, very sad to write the word industry. Every child born is so sweet and innocent, yet in the care system children's voices are never heard.
There are the children's human rights, all ignored, the Gillick Competence rule, all ignored, parents Gagged sent to prison should they speak out to help a child, if a child speaks out of being abused they disappear into the system and from the schools, never to be heard of again. Grandparents, parents, single parents, divorced parents all have no rights, with children in care having no rights what so ever, and then we have the closed family courts. In 2009 Jack Straw made a rule that children in care cannot report being abused. Kids in care can only speak of their abuse when leaving the care system, and now due to the high voltage of adults who were abused in the care system bringing charges against the governments, the governments are in talks of setting up an office, so that any victim bringing charges must first ask for permission from the new government office. Perhaps all can now understand there is a huge cover up.
The foster and adoption agencies are coining in millions every year and are very big businesses, should one foster agency put their business on the open market, the bidding starts at millions and doubles in price and sells within weeks. Barnardos has a turnover of £170 million a year, the biggest foster agencies has a turn over of £140 million a year, the second biggest foster agency has a profit of £54.2 million a year, there are thousands of other foster and adoption agencies in the UK also making millions a year, ask your self's how can millions be made from a mere 65.000 kids in care. and what of the millions of jobs created in a Childs best interest.
Social workers and social services are at the root of children being stolen and sold, if the social workers do not take the children and pass to the foster and adoption agencies, then there are no children for sale and the agencies will go broke. Is that why many social workers can get up to £2.500 back hander's per kid put into care.
The world governments are very aware of the cover up of the paedophiles getting to the children in the care system, children are murdered their bodies used for science, children used for drug testing, prostitution, trafficked, we have 100.000 kids running away every year from being abused in every way, recently whilst undercover filming in the streets of London, we were told by the homeless people, of which many were also abused in the care system, they told me that young children as young as five are brought from the care system of a night time, drugged stripped of clothes and their little bodies sold to be played with throughout the night
There are thousands of charities to help children, so why are children still suffering, have no voice and no rights, I will tell you, many of the big charities are worth millions and work along side governments, for what, to have their own voices known to make more millions of pounds for fat wages.
TAP - who is head of the NSPCC? Why none other than Peter Mandelson. I wouldn't let him within a mile of any kid. The foxes are in charge of the chickens.
2011 a certain charity was approached and was asked to lend their name for a world live aid concert event, so that money could be raised to organise safe houses in the uk for the 100.000 children running to the streets with not one safe house in this country for a child to run to, some weeks ago it was reported to me that a child of 7 had run away from being abused in the system. The charity we approached is worth millions of pounds, they said NO you are too political.
I personally have not ever believed in charities, but on this occasion if we want to help the children, then I had to register a charity, www.
The silent witness.
The silent witness.
In today's news we are hearing from the victims of abuse who are now adults, because children have no voices, we must give them a voice, we must give them a safe house to run to, then their voices can be heard and by the safe house we as a charity for the rights of children and not profit can open the can of worms.
Can you please help to give the children their voices so they can be heard and to bring out the truth, we are only hearing from the abused adults, where are the voices of the children now in care being abuse. We need the safe houses for them.
Please read the link.
Maggie .
See The Sheer Scale Of Child Abuse
EXTRACT - Beyond the inherent difficulty of detecting and preventing this most secret crime, beyond the obstacle course of concealment erected by the collusion of clever paedophiles, the child victims of sexual abuse are betrayed by organisations who repeatedly prefer to avoid embarrassment by concealing awkward allegations and by a system of protection which simply does not work.
See The Sheer Scale Of Child Abuse
EXTRACT - Beyond the inherent difficulty of detecting and preventing this most secret crime, beyond the obstacle course of concealment erected by the collusion of clever paedophiles, the child victims of sexual abuse are betrayed by organisations who repeatedly prefer to avoid embarrassment by concealing awkward allegations and by a system of protection which simply does not work.