For immediate and widespread distribution - Mother at risk of forcible drugging with anti-psychotic medication - PLEASE ACT
Holly Barker, a caring mother, has been sectioned on Friday 26 October 2012 by Oxfordshire and Welsh Child Services and Mental Health Teams for trying to defend her daughter against abuse.Holly was not properly admitted to hospital on arrival at 1830 Friday evening; she was not examined by a doctor on, or shortly after admission, and was not assessed by a doctor until 0200 on Saturday morning when she could not sleep. The doctor attending her at that time had no idea why she had been admitted, did not appear to have read her medical notes, and seemed unsure of her status in the hospital. Despite this a nurse is now attempting to forcibly prescribe anti psychotic drugs.
This action by Oxfordshire County Council, where members of the Child Protection Team and the Psychiatric team are working in collaboration, appears to be to silence Holly, whilst her daughter, who has been placed in 'care', continues to be abused. It is understood that at least one of the abusers is connected to Oxfordshire County Council.
Holly is now in immediate danger of being forcibly prescribed anti-psychotic drugs, and is being told that the need for these drugs was prescribed during her admission examination - an examination which never took place.
Prior to her sectioning Holly was rational and measured in her actions, applying reason and common sense and working hard to protect her daughter from further abuse; abuse facilitated and condoned by Oxfordshire Child Services in collusion with others.
Holly is now in:
Wintle Ward
Warneford Hospital
Warneford Lane
01865 741717 (switchboard)
Wintle Ward 01865 738691
Can we ask that all concerned people call in a polite, reasonable and measured way, to ask what is happening and why and to establish her safety and well being. Holly has been sectioned to prevent her defending her daughter. She was tricked by Oxfordshire Social Services into allowing the sectioning team into her Oxford flat, whilst she was alone and waiting for removal men. Oxfordshire SS have colluded with Welsh SS in sectioning her for telling the truth.
Concerned individuals may also wish to call the Emergency Child Protection Team on 0800 833 408. Duty Officer for Saturday 27 October 2012 is Elaine Wade on 01235 521967
What is happening to Holly could happen to any caring Mother or Father in UK unless the wider general public act to stop it. One phone call from many can be the first step into stopping this fascist detention and sectioning of caring innocent people. Please help - politely and calmly.
There will be no UK Column Live during the week of the 29th October - 3rd November. Normal broadcasts will resume at midday on the 5th November. In the meantime, please watch last Thursdays interview with Ben Fellows to hear his allegations against Kenneth Clarke here: