Paedophilia. Get used to it.

Julia's daily ramble -

I have flicked through the first few pages of 1984 again recently, having not read it for many years. It's no longer a GCSE textbook for a reason. Day to day living is much closer to Orwellian 1984 than it once was. Newspeak in 1984 is remarkably similar to our jargonised language of today. Helicoptor patrols are constantly around. The films at the cinema are all about war, which is just like our papers, and David Cameron has announced a celebration year for 2014 to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of mass murder back in 1914. The telescreens are prominent everywhere, and the monitoring cameras. The government ministries are all huge pyramids. Britain is constantly at war, though the enemy may change. War is essential for control. George Orwell died young, shortly after publication of 1984. I am now wondering if that is merely a coincidence.  

New born babies left with violent men...
A midwife friend has told me that new rules mean they have to allow men to stay overnight in the ward. The ward has 4 mothers who have just given birth with their new born babies. Isn't this something that a sane society would give the highest level of support and protection? Many of the men that stay over have a known case history of violence. The staff know, the mothers and babies don't. But I am sure they can sense a feeling of unsafety. Great start to life.  

The Mona Lisa...
The Mona Lisa is always watching. So are the eyes in the Big Brother posters in 1984! Its as if Orwell based that idea on the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa means Moon consecrated to God. So maybe the Moon is always watching too. Or maybe Mona means money, and that's always watching us. They are all about control.  

Monas Glyph...
This glyph (symbol) was designed by John Dee, the Elizabethan magician/druid. One explanation of the glyph is that it depicts the Crescent moon, the sun (circle with a dot), the elements (a cross) and fire (a sort of Macdonalds shape M). You can sort of see all these shapes in the Mona Lisa portrait, and I still feel there is some sort of correlation between the two. The Olympic one eyed cartoon characters seem to be an almost exact representation of Monas Glyph. 

Investors in People...
This is an organisation that accredits other organisations with a little badge. If you have the badge, big companies and government organisations are more willing to do business with you. If you study what it's about, you will see why. The staff all have to be well trained, equally trained, and regularly trained. The management have to behave in a certain way, and the staff have to know how the managers are supposed to behave. Everyone must run like an obedient machine. Which kind of accredits the company with a human factory status. It doesn't matter what their business actually is, just as long as everyone is obedient and trainable. Just what the government want! If you were investors in gold, say, instead of people, that would imply you buy and sell gold and make a profit along the way. So what does Investors in People mean? Buying and selling people and making a profit along the way? Schools have this accreditation too.  

Falun Gong...
Is a traditional spiritual meditative practice, banned in China since 1999. Not only is it banned, people who practise it are arrested and have their organs, their healthy organs, extracted against their will. Some are abducted and disappeared. Some mysteriously die. I saw a Chinese woman practising for 6 hours outside Bath Abbey, surrounded by information about what was happening in China. She was very calm and peaceful and did not force her views on anyone. She will not go back to her homeland whilst the persecution continues. The Chinese government claim they have been successful in eliminating this cult practise. Do we see this in the mainstream media? China are the goodies at the moment, so the media cannot offend them. 100 million people practise Falun Gong in China.  
ma.sonic. Sound plays an important part in earth energy and also in various buildings such as cathedrals, which are on earth energy points. The earth responds to certain sonic frequencies, though not the fixed piano keyboard ones we have been trained to tune into to. Is it coincidence that sonic is part of Masonic?  

End of the World...
According to The Sun on 18th Oct, the deputy governor of the Bank of England said that banks need to put more cash aside to cope with "end of the world" risks. "There is a tangible probability, not a high probability, that the worst may be ahead".  

The Sun on paedophiles...
The Problem Reaction Solution process is kicking in. The proposed solution to paedophilia is to twofold. One is to GPS tag the offenders (including innocent framed ones presumably, but probably not including the elite ones that never get caught), If they hang around school gates, the GPS will flag it up (the elite paedophiles will just get to go straight into the classroom as honoured guests). The second part of the solution is better support for children after an attack, listening to them, that sort of thing. Both of these assume that Paedophilia will continue as normal. There is no mention of actually trying to stop the paedophilia. There is an acceptance of paedophilia as totally normal in everyday life. We just have to learn how to deal with it better. That's the message.