Let us not forget that Harriet Harman is an open supporter of paedophile pornography. Her friend Margaret Hodge Oppenheimer tried to cover up a paedophile scandal in Islington Council children's homes in the eighties. Hidge Oppenheimer went on to enter parliament and propose the pervert Tony Blair as leader immediately after the poisoning of John Smith.
She then went on the become the UK's first Minister for Children in 2003, where she facilitated the transfer of children from their natural parents to the state paedophile supply system. Blair issued a D-notice to protect Peter Mandelson, when the latter was caught purchasing paedophile pornography in 2002 by Operation Ore. All the above supporters of paedophilia. All the above supporters of paedophilia are jews with the so-called right of 'return' to Israel, including Blair, whose mother's name was Lipsett.
Gordon Logan
Aangirfan on the NSPCC and Mandelson
Aangirfan yesterday writes of others...
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Derek Laud allegedly caused an accident while driving on the wrong side of the road in East Hampton in 1996. Laud a London lobbyist and fund-raiser for Prime Minister John Major was charged with driving while intoxicated, failure to keep right and driving without a license. Ex-Thatcher Aide Sued - New York Daily News...
Derek Laud (born in Chelsea in London) is a former British political adviser...(Derek Laud - Wikipedia..)
Laud is a long standing family friend of Samantha Cameron's family and a personal friend of David Cameron and attended their wedding at Ginge, in Oxfordshire.
The list of Tory friends with whom he is known to go on holiday and socialise with includes Lord McAlpine, Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo.
In 2001, he provided an alibi[1] for his friends Neil and Christine Hamilton when they were accused by Nadine Milroy-Sloan of sexual assault.[2]
Derek Laud, who is gay, became the first and only black master of foxhounds when he took that role with New Forest Foxhounds in 1999. (New Forest, MI6)
Derek is an acquaintance of Camilla Parker Bowles.

Derek on the Big Brother programme - allegedly linked to brainwashing by the spooks.
Derek's mother began travelling to Jamaica.

Derek with Anne (left) and Cicely Meehan, the spinster sisters who gave Derek a home.
"He's a friend of royalty, advises Ministers and was the most cultured contestant on Big Brother - but those are the least surprising things about Derek Laud.
"With a feckless father and a mother who had little time for him, Derek seemed certain to be a failure - until two quintessentially English sisters took in the lost little boy and transformed his life..."
Derek Laud's parents, Lyn and Samuel Laud, came to England from Jamaica in the late 1950s.

Derek's mother Lyn, from whom he was estranged for more than 20 years
Derek's mother was a nurse.
"With a feckless father and a mother who had little time for him, Derek seemed certain to be a failure - until two quintessentially English sisters took in the lost little boy and transformed his life..."
Derek Laud's parents, Lyn and Samuel Laud, came to England from Jamaica in the late 1950s.

Derek's mother Lyn, from whom he was estranged for more than 20 years
Derek's mother was a nurse.
Derek's father left home when Derek was still very young.
Anne and Cicely Meehan became Derek's minders.
Anne was the deputy headmistress of Falconbrook House School in Clapham which Derek attended as a child.
Derek began to visit the Meehan sisters.
When Derek was eight, Anne became headmistress of a school in Brixton, but Derek's friendship with her continued.
Anne was the deputy headmistress of Falconbrook House School in Clapham which Derek attended as a child.
Derek began to visit the Meehan sisters.
When Derek was eight, Anne became headmistress of a school in Brixton, but Derek's friendship with her continued.
Carol Myers, who may have been brainwashed at the Tavistock clinic, and who claimed that a UK government minister raped her with a claw hammer in Conservative Central Office. (The mystery of Carole Myers)
Cicely Meehan was a child psychologist.
The Meehan sisters helped to look after two godchildren, Charles and Dorothy, black children with family problems.
The Meehan sister's mother was a fan of Margaret Thatcher.
One Saturday, Anne drove Dorothy and Derek to the house of 'a very grand lady called Mrs Maybe, who bore a striking resemblance to Mrs Thatcher'.
The Meehan sister's mother was a fan of Margaret Thatcher.
One Saturday, Anne drove Dorothy and Derek to the house of 'a very grand lady called Mrs Maybe, who bore a striking resemblance to Mrs Thatcher'.
Cicely Meehan, the child psychologist, began to exert more of an influence on Derek's life.
Derek on the Big Brother programme - allegedly linked to brainwashing by the spooks.
Derek's mother began travelling to Jamaica.
Derek spent more time with Anne and Cicely in Clapham.
Derek says that he realised he was 'homosexual' from about the age of eight.
He would always rather play with the girls.
Derek left his mother's house and went to live with the Meehan sisters.
Derek says that he realised he was 'homosexual' from about the age of eight.
He would always rather play with the girls.
Derek left his mother's house and went to live with the Meehan sisters.
Derek went on to have a successful career in finance.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-459448/My-mothers--saved-life-Big-Brothers-Derek-Laud.html#ixzz2AKxviKCe

"Scallywag magazine alleged that Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of boys.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-459448/My-mothers--saved-life-Big-Brothers-Derek-Laud.html#ixzz2AKxviKCe

"Scallywag magazine alleged that Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of boys.
"The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards.
"He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher"
Possible elite British paedophile ring

"Michael Colvin died at a fire in his magnificent Hampshire home. He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously." Website for this image
Possible elite British paedophile ring

"Michael Colvin died at a fire in his magnificent Hampshire home. He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously." Website for this image
From Scallywag magazine:
"Derek Laud... ran a Pimlico PR agency called Ludgate Communications for a number of years which supplied young boys for selected parliamentarians from children's homes now being investigated in North Wales.
"He sometimes did this in cahoots with Ian Greer Associates which has since been scandalised because of the Neil Hamilton Affair and payment for questions on behalf of Al Fayed.
"Ludgate Communications was at the very hub of our investigation into the 'boys for questions' allegations.
"Ludgate Communications was at the very hub of our investigation into the 'boys for questions' allegations.
"At his Pimlico flat, and selected addresses in Dolphin Square nearby, Laud threw paedophile parties and we have one sworn affidavit from a former boy (presently giving evidence in Wales) who claims he was seriously molested (among many others) by Lord M.... who was at the time the Tory party's .....
"It was alleged by this boy and others that Messrs Portillo and Lilley were also guests of Derek Laud...."