Julia's little insights. The daily ramble.

I don't think I have had an email from The Tap for a couple of days. I normally get 
them daily. Is it automatic, or do you click a request button? Possibly there are 
others not getting them too? 


Folic Acid and Autism...
Why do they keep recommending Folic Acid supplements for pregnancy? Well it seems we do actually need some, but it needs to be in balance with B12 and iron intake, otherwise there maybe adverse side effects, notably AUTISM.  This maybe why there are no known side effects from natural sources of Folic acid like leafy greens which contain everything in balance, but artificial supplements can lead to problems because the Folic acid is taken out of balance. Wikipedia says : "There is growing concern worldwide that prenatal high folic acid in the presence of low vitamin b12 causes epigenetic changes in the unborn predisposing them to metabolic syndromes, central adiposity and adult diseases such as Type 2 diabetes. Another active area of research and concern is that excess folic acid in utero causes epigenetic changes to the brain leading to autism spectrum disorders."

Just noticed that this is an anagram of prenatal! Surely parenting is postnatal? Or is it that the majority of the work, the upbringing is actually done during pregnancy. Or is it that the hidden agenda of the parenting industry is to expand its influence right back to conception, so they have complete control of the new being from the very start?

Beatles songs...
I do not like the connection I am making. It is widely reported that Beatles songs are used as triggers for mind controlled people. So why is there such a huge Beatles revival? They are on the radio all the time these days. Why do cafes and shops play the radio, not their own choice of music? Because of the copyright laws which make it prohibitively expensive to play your own, and there are government inspectors for this too. Another way of spending taxpayers money whilst closing down libraries. 

Boots pays you to shop there...
A friend said she loves Boots. She got so many points on her card and a voucher too, it was almost like she was being paid to shop there! That's it exactly! They want us all out shopping, and they want us to buy the poisons they sell in Boots to put on our skin and hair and in our baths. They have plenty of money and this is a good way for them to spend it to achieve the agenda. Of course we must not realise we are being paid to do this or we might question it, hence all the endless voucher and point systems. Most people like what they buy if it is cheap or they get points or vouchers. They don't actually care what it is they have "bought".

Swear and sword...
Sword is s.word. Is a swear word an s.word and therefore a sword? S.worn is sworn and s.wear is swear. Swear words are bad, not allowed, forbidden. But what is a swearing in ceremony? And does it use a sword? 

COOP endorse gambling...
My local COOP is raking in well over £400 a week in its tiny store from gambling. I would have thought it was against the ethos of the COOP, but times are hard I am told. Camelot have very strict contract conditions which include being located at the till. You can't actually see the till or the person behind it very well any more. I guess that gambling is a daily activity and not one for the weekly supermarket shop, which is why it needs to be planted in local communities. 

Seem to be going corporate. They keep asking for money, and are now starting a Daily Briefing. All your news in one place from one source! Great. Sounds exactly like the mainstream press. I don't know how Avaaz started, whether it was genuine, or a way of ousting 38 degrees, or an Illuminati maneouvre from the start. It doesn't really matter. This is a general theme. You don't have the time to find out what's really happening, let someone else do it for you! Perfect conditions to brainwash and indoctrinate. The only way is to do it yourself, do your own research, your own filtering of information. Don't subcontract that job out to a news bulletin. 

It's a new type of weather. You can be in full sun and have rain pouring down on you at exactly the same time. It has happened to me twice now. I was in full waterproofs with hood up, yet I could feel the Sun warm on my back and see sharply defined shadows right in front of me. Maybe I was actually at the end of a rainbow!

Bright lights...
Driving along today in the sunrain, I could hardly see. The bright sun reflected off wet metallic cars and came through my windscreen to hurt and blind my eyes. I couldn't shut them because I had to see the road. I have also noticed some very odd blinding new type of headlights around, possibly LED, which make driving at night really hard work. There are also more opticians and free eye tests around than ever before. Are we all going slowly blind? 

Square Eyes...
If we keep looking at screens, we are always looking at squares, pixels. We really will get square eyes, unable to cope with anything else, due to lack of practise. Being outdoors is refreshing for your eyes because you have natural non square light. You also have objects at different distances, so you can have a little workout for your eye focussing muscles, keep them in good shape. 

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