Hi Henry, I was at the SNP Conference in Perth. The NATO motion squeaked through with a majority of about 30. It is conditional upon the removal of Faslane, which would mean the end of Trident for the UK, since they say that the Trident base cannot be moved south. That would give Cameron 100 billion to play around with! The Scottish voters are for NATO, so the conference decision might well swing the referendum, but it is doubtful whether the Yanks will accept the removal of Trident, in which case an independent Scottish government would not join NATO. Dr. Schachtschneider on Youtube predicts that the bankers will shake every penny out of Europe. Then a muscled up European Union will send out the Eurogendarmerie to club down the street protests and Europe will sink into a new kind of fascism - one without money. Switzerland is beefing up its borders in preparation for the civil disturbances of the penniless masses. Salmond will not bother to apply for membership of the EU.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypErWjLlWIs for Dr Schachtschneider's analysis. Incidentally, Nat Rothschild has pissed away £700 million of other people's money. Have the Rothschild's finally lost it? They had to murder Amschel in 1996. They lost Russia in 2003, and China in 2005. Victor was exposed as a KGB spy back in the eighties. They're desperately pulling the strings of the idiot war criminals Cameron and Obama, but the Russians and the Chinese have beaten them in Syria. The attack on Iran has been held up for nearly a decade and is even opposed by Mossad and the Israeli generals. Have Jacob and Evelyn finally lost the plot?