Hi Tap, a video that I came across that might interest you/other people:
ex-MI-5 whistleblower, activist and author joins Jack Etkin for an elucidating and revealing look at 'Deep State' and high-level national and international intelligence and security methodologies. Annie covers subjects such as false-flag/black Synopsis:
''Annie Machon: operations, the MI-5's botched attempt on Muammar Gaddafi's life, the London Tube bombing (7/7), 9/11 and others. This penetrating and articulate interview is a must see.''
TAPShe lives in Germany. This is from Canadian TV. She covers the story of what's happened to David Shayler. CNN announced the collapse of Building 7 on 911, as well as the BBC, and other networks, twenty minutes before it happened. All our freedoms have been shredded since 911. People are abducted and tortured with participation by MI5 officers. The Terrorism Act is used by local government officers to check out things like Council Tax liabilities. Any government Minister can announce a state of emergency, and then remove people from their homes, and destroy homes without compensation needed to be paid. People can be stopped on the street and interviewed without any need for suspicion of a crime. Terrorism Act section 44.
The government refuses to hold an enquiry into the 7/7 London bombing. Various facts are discussed which throw doubt on the official version of events. She plays it carefully, and says an enquiry should be held, but her opinion that 7/7 was false flag is clear enough.
David Shayler before his personal collapse made some good exposures about the 7/7 bombings.
Sean adds -
It may be worth remembering that there were also reports of shootings at Canary Wharf on the morning of 7/7.
Also - How can any credible person accept that a training exercise would be covering the exact 4 locations on the same day ? So similar a ploy to the ' exercise ' played out on 9/11.
At the very least this warrants serious investigation. On the face of it , it would appear that these 4 guys were part of the training exercise - but surely they would have mentioned something of that to their close family / friends ? Would there have not been a paper trail which advised them of their 'employment' that day or even details of who met who to discuss and agree the plan . Could all 4 of them have been so gullible to accept a request for secrecy ? Most likely it would have been only one point of contact with Powers group ...?
Also , the BBC3 show was lamentable - the conspiracy characters for the most part weak - only one was able to stand his ground - and one of the girls surely looked like a plant.
On 11th October (the day the 7/7 Inquest began), ‘Huggles’ recalled how he had been at King’s Cross station when it all happened:
The site owner Kevin Boyle asked him whether he had personally heard that Radio 5 news announcement, and ‘Huggles’ replied:
Is this the first mention of a Radio 5 news-announcement, on the 11 o’clock news that morning, of this shooting, at Canary Wharf in the Docklands, of maybe three young men? For comparison, British philosopher Rory Ridley-Duff at Sheffield compiled 17 accounts from the media of this event at Canary Wharf having happened. In addition there are a few more in Appendix 3 of my book. Does anyone else recall such a news-announcement that morning?
If you’re new to the Canary Wharf story, maybe watch the fifth chapter of Muad’Dib’s Ripple Effect.The story often comes with dramatic accounts of how the entire Wharf was ‘locked down’ and 8000 workers in the 44-storey tower were told to stay away from windows and remain in the building for‘at least six hours.’ By the evening the police were trying to dismiss the whole thing.
For comparison, here is a fairly well-known version of the story, reported Down Under:
If it happened, it was an operation ‘Kratos’ job, whereby certain senior police officers are (shockingly) permitted to shoot a member of the public in the head, if they are deemed to be a ‘suicide bomber’ and about to blow themselves up. Thus the above report has the two people shot because they were ‘wearing bombs’ – that judgement is necessary for a Kratos shooting to take place – compare the De Menezes shooting where early accounts had him with a ‘bulging’ raincoat as if they were trying to make out they thought he might be ‘wearing bombs’ as their excuse for shooting him in the head on 22 July 2005 at Stockwell tube station.
Danish News Report on the Day
The search by Ridley-Duff using Nexis UK, a database used by universities to research news stories, omitted the following. ‘TV2/News’ is a Danish national TV channel that runs their own news department, producing news for both TV and the internet. At 5 pm on 7.7.05 it published the following (in Danish):
So this important news announcement gave both an eyewitness account and the subsequent denial by Brian Paddick of the Metropolitan police. (Thanks to Timothy for info) Let’s note Paddick’s careful words (at a press meeting at 1.45 GMT)-
So this statement was not quite as the Danish news report had it: Paddick stated (truthfully) notthat he had no information about anyone being shot, but no information about his police force shooting anyone, that morning. NB that news announcement was broadcast on CNN’s morning news in the US, but not on British news channels that day.