The Questions - "Work 'n' Play" 7" (1982, Respond)

Three boys from Edinburgh, Scotland dole out this rousing slice of funk-upped dance pop, recalling the work of contemporaries APB and Gang of Four circa Songs of the Free.  In fact, The Questions modus operandi as it applies to "Work 'n' Play was downright plagiaristic, but as evidenced by some of the other selections available for streaming on their Myspace page, this track was the exception to an otherwise streamlined forte, that if anything else affirmed their blatant Top 40 ambitions.  There were other Questions singles, but from the looks of it no full lengths.  Such a ubiquitous moniker makes researching their discography a considerable challenge.  As you might surmise, the flip "Work 'n' Play pt 2" is merely a remix.  Enjoy (or not).

A. Work 'n' Play
B. Work 'n' Play pt 2

Blog control. Google Stats manipulation.

147View count
11:41:00 AM

76View count
7:00:00 AM

75View count

75View count

75View count

72View count

198View count
These numbers are unlikely.................

These are supposedly real stats for page reads on posts.  How come they're all the same?  This is fairly typical.  It suggests the numbers are being manipulated - downwards presumably.

Months page reads around 300,000 on google.  Maybe far more.  Who knows?  

More names spilling out daily

T Stokes London writes -

I kept meaning to tell you, one of Bliar's cabinet cronies 
who was investigated by scotland yard
over an interest in young lads was a chap called -

Chris Smith

TAP - I take it this is the one, Lord Chris Smith, Chairman of the Environment Agency.

Are the big corporations deliberately poisoning us? America wants to know.

By Dr. Mercola
We all know that labeling genetically engineered foods is a common sense right that is enjoyed by over 50 other countries, including China, India, and Russia.
But for Americans, that right has been taken away from us. The chemical companies and the junk food companies have done everything possible to hide the truth from Americans for the sake of their profits.
I knew going into this battle, that it would be a significant challenge and risk to me personally. You see, when you fight against major chemical companies like Monsanto, you're sure to get a little dirty along the way.
The processed food and chemical companies have paid over $40 million to hide the science experiment that has secretly ended up on the dinner plates of hundreds of millions of unknowing Americans. These multinational corporations are worried, and will do anything to keep you in the dark.
Keep in mind that the top six funders of "No on 37" are also the six largestpesticide companies in the world! That alone should tell you that their stance has nothing to do with your health and well-being.
This was just one of the ads that Monsanto & company have been sending voters to discredit me with lies. This is no surprise, considering how many people - inlcuding farmers, Monsanto has attacked in the past.
Prop 37's Sponsors Stand to Profit

False Claims and Misrepresentations Used to Mislead Voters

The "No on 37" campaign has been caught misinforming voters again and again over the past several months. For example, on October 18, the "California Right to Know Yes on 37" campaign requested the U.S. Department of Justice conduct a criminal investigation of the "No on 37" campaign "for possible fraudulent misuse of the official seal of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration." According to the press release:1
"The Justice Department should investigate this fraudulent dirty trick perpetrated by the 'No on 37' campaign," said Gary Ruskin, campaign manager of 'California Right to Know Yes on 37'. "They are running a campaign of lies, deceit and trickery, and some of it may be criminal."
The 'No on 37' campaign affixed the FDA's seal to one of the campaign'smailers. Section 506 of the U.S. Criminal Code states: "Whoever... knowingly uses, affixes, or impresses any such fraudulently made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal or facsimile thereof to or upon any certificate, instrument, commission, document, or paper of any description... shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."
The letter also provides evidence that the 'No on 37' campaign falsely attributed a direct quote to the FDA in the campaign mailer. The quoted attribution, which appears below, is entirely false and fabricated. The FDA did not make this statement and does not take a position on Prop 37."
FDA on Prop 37

T Stokes London adds -


   On Halloween day BBC TV in a food programme  Gloria Hunniford compared tap water to bottled and said tap water was best and safest in every way, at no point did she mention the chemicals which go into our tap water.

In  a new twist to the Camelford water tragedy coroner Michael Rose claimed that South West water authority gambled with the lives of 20,000 people by not admitting for over two weeks that their drinking water was poisoned, he went on to say that one possible reason was that at the time in 1988 the water was being privatised, though how the government can sell what does not belong to them and keep the money is another legal point. 

Giving his verdict at the inquest on Carol Cross who was one of those who died 16 years after the Camelford poisoning, the stated blame for what happened was blamed on an anonymous lorry driver who just happened to drive in and tip in 20 tons of aluminum sulphate without being challenged, the coroner accepted that this "accident" in North Cornwall was possibly the cause of the death, the Coroner went on to say that she had high levels of aluminum sulphate in her brain but would not state categorically he had enough evidence to blame South West water authority. 

He did however question why for 16 days after the poisoning public health officials did nothing after people in the area were complaining their drinking water was coming out black from the tap and was sticking to the skin, and still officials were saying it was safe to drink. 

The larger picture here tells us that in 1971 an informer went to the police in East London and said a plan was being discussed by political extremists to poison London water supplies, a top secret circular was sent out to every UK defense establishment and a preventative watch was kept, an Irish extremist with links to the Communist party was caught beside the reservoir with two bags of industrial poison and in exchange for internal structural information on the IRA and British communists including Melitta Norwood he was allowed to stay free as an A.I P ( Agent In Place ) The unrest from the huge Indo/Pakistani communities in Britain over the 1971 Bangladesh war meant Communists were having a field day with agitation and propaganda, the intel services were active with British industry in bringing in the Industrial relations act 1971 to curb agitation at home, and to this effect of the 550 Russian agents then active in the UK 90 were sent home and 15 not allowed back.

But the British government poison the drinking water themselves; Chlorine and industrial fluoride are both well-known thyroid disrupters which means many women who starve themselves yet still put on weight should avoid all fluoride in foodstuffs and toothpaste. 

We are told repeatedly that Fluoride which was used as a rat poison strengthens human teeth, but much new information shows that this is untrue and is actually a health risk as is the Mercury amalgam they put in our teeth. 

A water filter jug helps but will not take out the industrial micro-particulates of aluminum, boron etc from chemtrail rain down washed into reservoirs, government officials claim the drastic drop in the birthrate is because of the contraceptive pill going through sewerage and back through into the drinking water supplies to our homes, and this they say is responsible for fish changing sex and the feminisation of men. 

There is another agenda said to be at work here, the student underground newspaper " RSouls" claimed in the February edition that estrogen was being added to some drinking water supplies in an attempt to bring down the birthrate, and claims the rise in nancy boys and homosexual behaviour was not by accident but by design in breaking down the family structure, as predicted by Mary Whitehouse some years back in Starbreak magazine. 

So what can you do? Best bet is a pure water system that filters properly your drinking water and fits under the sink, but these are expensive, so get a water filter jug failing that puta transparent glass jug with your water on a sunny windowsill and allow the sun to act on this for a couple of hours this is said to help vaporize the chlorine.

T Stokes London
Further reading- New England Journal of Medicine.
Connecticut Dental Journal 
"The Fluoride Deception" by Chris Bryson 

Plus fluoride and arthritis

Benghazi massacre. Obama knew.

Colin sends -

This statement makes it clear that Obama knew about the sacrifice of the US ambassador at Benghazi  - in advance.

Nothing more need be said. Simply watch this video of Judge Jeanine Pirro laying out a very clear case for the guilt of Barack Obama and his administration regarding the Benghazi Massacre and cover-up…

FOX NEWS October 27th 2012.

You'd think someone wants Obama to lose the election...
Posted on B4IN

Polish air crash witness deaths suggest cover up

‘Key Witness’ In Polish Presidential Plane Crash Dies, Suicide Suspected
Monday, October 29, 2012 11:32
Polish President Lech Kaczynski's Tu-154 aircraft debris (RIA Novosti / Oleg Mineev)

A Polish parliamentary investigation into President’s Lech Kaczynski plane crash in Smolensk in 2010 is considering witness protection: A flight engineer set to deliver critical testimony was found hanged in his house in Warsaw.
The body of Remigiusz Muś, a 42-year-old aviation engineer, was found by his wife in the cellar of their house in the suburbs of the Polish capital at around 11:30pm local time on Saturday. She called an ambulance and attempted to resuscitate her husband, but medics pronounced him dead as soon as they arrived. An autopsy is set for Monday, October 29.

As news of Muś’ death hit headlines, the head of the Polish parliamentary commission looking into the crash, Antoni Macierewicz, said that Muś was one of two key witnesses in the case. With Muś dead, key witness Artur Wosztyl should be put in protective custody, Macierewicz said.
Dariusz Slepokura, a spokesperson for the Warsaw district prosecutor’s office, said on Monday that Muś likely committed suicide.

Muś’ suicide has become the second incident of its kind connected to the investigation of the April 10, 2010, plane crash in Smolensk that killed the Polish president and 95 other people aboard. In January 2012, a Polish prosecutor involved in the investigation shot himself for no apparent reason during a media briefing. Prosecutor Mikolaj Przybyl told reporters he needed a break, and ordered them to leave the briefing room. Immediately after they left, Przybyl shot himself. Doctors managed to save his life, as his brain was not damaged by the self-inflicted wound.
Read more here:

BBC. Give money to help the pedophiles

Julia sends

BBC Children In Need seems to be another example of a charity used as a disguise and fundraiser for paedophile networks. The front page of today's Metro has an advert for NatWest: "You can give to BBC Children in Need at our ATMS". 

Incredible that they are still running such an ad. 

Inside the paper, an article quotes an ex governor of the BBC talking about Children in Need: "The charity was very attractive to paedophiles." Sums it up really.

Sandy. NY electricity knocked out. Will election be called off?

Hi Tap,

Woodrow Wilson after creating the Federal Reserve in 1913, some years
later said, "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my
country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of
credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the
nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few
men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most
completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized
world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government
by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the
opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men".

President John F. Kennedy alluded to the same in his speech titled
"The President and the Press." Dated 27th April,1961 in the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, which can be read or listened to here
The above quote by Woodrow Wilson may aptly apply not only to America
but to our very own and all so called democratic nations and as Joseph
Stalin is reputed to have said "It's not the people who vote that
count; It's the people who count the votes".

With that said I would like to draw your attention to the article
below by Dr Joseph M. Mercola, an alternative physician practicing in
Hoffman Estates, Illinois. He is the author of several books including
The No-Grain Diet, and The Great Bird Flu Hoax. Having read The
No-Grain Diet I no longer eat wheat products and have lost over a
stone in weight in a month, feel much more energetic, far less tired
and don't miss it at all. Apologies for digressing!

"All eyes are on California where Proposition 37, which, if passed,
would require labelling of foods produced using genetic engineering.
It will be put to voters on November 6th". This article has all the
hallmarks of the elites dirty tricks campaign but most poignant is not
the bribery and corruption associated with the Proposition 37 No
campaign which comes as no surprise, but the very date the vote is
cast. Tuesday November 6th is the date of the American Presidential
Election. One week to go and hurricane Sandy devastates the east coast
of America leaving to date 39 dead and millions without power. 

Is this why vast military personnel and equipment have been moving inland from
the east coast of America for many months?. Seems like they were

Even without hurricane Sandy I ask which of the two would
be on the the minds of the American people on 6th November, the
Presidential vote or the Proposition 37 vote. With hurricane Sandy
virtually cutting off New York what effects will it have on DC? Due to
so much devastation and disruption to transport and electricity supply
it's looking very much like the election will be called off. In
American law an election can be postponed if a state of emergency is
announced by the President which I believe he has declared.

Like yourself I too have been keeping an eye on HAARP and the records
show that it was at full power as the storm was brewing suggesting it
was influencing the destructive force of hurricane Sandy. I ask if
this storm was HAARP made to coincide and prevent the American
election  taking place?

It was stated on the news that electricity supplies may not be resumed
for weeks (so there goes the election). That being the case NY will be
going into winter next week with average November temperatures 11/3c
and December 5/-2c. Coupled with the cold and little electricity food
shortages and preparation will have an effect and possibly cause civil
unrest. If civil unrest gets out of hand due to desperate people doing
desperate things Martial Law will be declared and the people shipped
off to the Fema Camps. Then comes 21/12/12 The day NWO is announced
and Obama at its helm. It's no coincidence that George Bush Jr in his
inaugural speech called on "The angel of the wind," that Obama is
plucking its HAARP and the elite are singing the song.

I would like to end with a wee note and reminder from scripture:-
Dan 4:17  This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand
by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know
that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to
whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

Kind regards,
