Thanks to BRIT for posting concerning "Where have the chemtrails gone?".
Like others I too had noticed a remarkable drop in chemtrails over the
past fortnight here in the southeast of Scotland though today I saw
one in Dunbar which drew my attention to its behavior. While I was
watching I noticed that as the plane approached a cloud spraying would
commence and once the plane had passed the cloud into blue sky the
spraying stopped and so on and so on until I could no longer see the
plane in the distance. How odd!
I pride myself as being a country boy and by that I mean I'm acutely
aware of my natural surroundings and able to pick up the faintest of
sounds from a field mouse squeak to the squeal of the vixen in the
distance and for many years have recorded the arrival and departure of
our swallows and geese. At any given moment of the day I can tell you
where you can expect to see the moon and what phase she is in and in
like manner the planets and stars. I can tell you precisely that the
first glint of the sun's ray is seen in my kitchen on February 18th at
16:50 and it's last is on October 18th at precisely 16:50. From my
point of view in mid summer the sun sets on the horizon at precisely
21:40:38 secs. From this you can conclude I'm either an idiot or
observant. Of the former I care not and of the latter I trust you may
somewhat agree.
So then, with regard to chemtrails in my area it is my conclusion thus
far, though I require another year or two to prove the point to
myself, that light spraying is ongoing from December to February,
heavy spraying commences through March to August and from September
onwards I need to observe. The link strikes me that winter crops are
sprayed lightly while growth is slow and that through the growing
season to harvest (Apr, Aug) chemtrails are at their heaviest. You may
recall from last December to halfway through April our weather was
fine but also that reservoirs were running low and a hose ban in place
in the south. From May to end of July the weather was cold and
extremely wet causing mass flooding and crop damage in several areas.
In-fact it was the coldest and wettest summer since 1912. It would
appear then that our food chain is under attack, livestock included.
Other anomalies include the lack of bees and poor pollination of our
fruit trees, poor quality fruit if any, an increase in moss, algae,
and especially slugs and snails all of which are detrimental to our
food chain. It'll take at least another year of observation so we'll
just have to be patient. Yesterday 18th we had a sever hail storm
lasting only a few minutes but the hail was approximately 2cm in
diameter and this morning 19th awoke to frost and feels like it will
be the same tonight.
The swallows in my area are still here though may migrate any day now.
However, my first sighting of geese is some three weeks early
indicating harsh conditions north in the way of cold and a diminishing
food supply.
Right, on with the electric blanket and hot chocolate and I'll say
na-night to one and all.