Tap. Not sure why, but I can't get the comments to work.

Anyway, noticed an increase in chemtrails here on the South Coast over this last week. Attahced a couple of pics that I took this morning. One is from around 7am. The other is just now an hour and a half later. Not sure if it does it justice, but there is now a haze "blocking" the sun, below where the trails were. All crazy stuff, I know.


1) I've now been told it's changed from moisture to "fuel dumping", which leads me to the questions, how come the fuel only needs dumping on certain days? 2 days this week, I thought seemed pretty much the same, in terms of weather/climate, so how come the trails weren't visible on, I think it was Tues, but Thurs? Again, I'm willing to be convinced it's nonense, but as yet, I haven't seen anything that answers my questions.

2) Dumping fuel? I thought we were getting short of this stuff? The amount of dumping I've seen (see the pic, although you've seen 'em too!) this morning, and yesterday, isn't that an awful lot of fuel to be simply "dumping"?

3) I noticed on the site, a comment about Alberta. If I recall, and I'm, not certain, I can't remember when it is, but I think the Calgary Stampede is on around about now. Every year I was there, the last 6 in fact, you can read in the papers, of the seeding of the clouds, to adjust the weather. Isn't that like, er.... chemtrailing then? So, it's not something being made up.

4) And finally, to the commentator who ridculed saying about the gov not posioning the population and how that's crazy, how does that square with the flu test, I think it was, on the subway in the You Ess? And what about the testing done, again, releasing stuff on the subway int he 70's? I'd have to check up to get the exact dates. I more than happy to be proved it's nonsense, I'll be the first to laugh at my stupidity, but comments like that are pure head up the arse fuckwittery.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

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