Chemtrail attack full-on. Cold. Floods. Illness. Get weather defenses up early this year.

Hi Tap, Looks like I am going to have to tell Anon 10.29 again, that Doncaster is not on any Flight path.
If you go onto Planefinder you will see what I say is true.
So why on Chemtrailing days, do they go over us.
Noticed today they seemed to be Haarping us as well, this may lead to some degree of Wind.
Also the planes never fly over us in a North to South direction, exept on Chemtrailing days.
Explain that you Tinfoil Trolls. 

TAP.  In my office we have a continual problem with people getting colds, flu and so on.  I try to get them to filter their water, to drink raw milk.  These people are the heavily vaccinated, heavily media-mind-controlled generation.  They don't really get it that they have been under attack from the day they were born, and before.  I do what I can.  Chemtrails are cooling the climate down so that cold weather is arriving six weeks early this year.  People are not prepared.  They need to be.  There attacks can only get worse.

Chemtrailing is an act of war, a method of killing people.  The aluminum gets into the blood stream, into the brain, making people vulnerable to viruses and diseases of premature aging, like Alzheimers.  More immediately, crops fail.  It's cold.  The survival battle is full on, yet almost no one is aware of what is being done to them.  Even people who mostly realize, don't realize to the point of taking action.  They still go to doctors, and listen to the TV.   These are the delivery systems of the elite's killing programs.