TAP -UPDATE - 4th October 2012. With all the people coming forward and alleging that Savile raped or molested them, there is little doubt as to what he was. What is not coming out is the much bigger story that he was a procurer. He supplied vulnerable kids to Prime Ministers, and was also a regular and welcome visitor at The Palace. No wonder they're running the media stories to draw peoples' attention away from the role that Jimmy Savile played, and focus on him as a simpler abuser in his own right.
This blog ran stories on Jimmy Savile being a paedophile before any main media. Gordon Logan said Savile procured victims for Edward Heath, and was a regular visitor at Haut La Garenne Jersey childrens home, where PM Heath and members of the Royal family were also implicated by former child residents who survived. Not all did.
Listen to Bill Maloney on the Tony Legend Manchester Online Radio show speaking freely and passionately about institutional paedophile rings, the Vatican, Hollie Greig, Secret Family Courts, Jack Straw and being silenced by the BBC. Maloney is an award winning film director who recently came forward as a victim of institutional child abuse. Contains extracts from his cutting edge and controversial films and reports including Sun, Sea & Satan (Haut de la Garenne, Jersey) and his brush with BBC Newsnight reporter. A colourful and thought-provoking interview with colourful language.
Find out more about Bill Maloney's controversial films and documentaries athttp://www.pienmashfilms.com
Haut La Garenne. Former residents have implicated members of the Royal family in paedophile acts.
The story of paedophilia in Britain goes a lot deeper and a lot higher than this article suggests. The media is only now addressing the issue and then only trying to box it in as just a Jimmy Savile problem. Esther Rantzen seems to be amazingly unaware of all the evidence pointing right to the top. She knows how to promote a career by protecting the real criminals. 'Collusion' is second nature.
'We colluded with Jimmy Savile as a child abuser': Esther Rantzen sensationally claims people in TV 'blocked our ears' to rumours
- Broadcaster Esther Rantzen has told how some in television 'blocked our ears' to claims about Jimmy Savile
- Rantzen said Savile was made into a 'god-like figure'
- Savile is accused of sexually abusing children in a documentary featuring the testimonies of four women
Esther Rantzen has told how some in broadcasting ‘blocked our ears’ to claims about Jimmy Savile made during his career.
In an emotional interview after viewing the ITV documentary, the broadcaster and Childline founder told The Mail on Sunday: ‘I feel that we in television, in his world, in some way colluded with him as a child abuser – because I now believe that’s what he was. We all blocked our ears. There was gossip, there were rumours.
‘It’s very distressing. We made him into the Jimmy Savile who was untouchable, who nobody could criticise. He was a sort of god-like figure. Everybody knew of the good that Jimmy did and what he did for children. And these children were powerless.

'Blocked our ears': Broadcaster Esther Rantzen now believes that Jimmy Savile was a child abuser after watching the documentary. She said that some in television 'colluded with him as a child abuser'
‘What these women say is so matter of fact, they corroborate each other. The style of the abuse and the attack on them was consistent one with each other. I’m afraid the jury isn’t out any more and what upsets me so much is that not one of these children could ask for help. The abuse of power was as great as the sexual abuse.’
A BBC spokesman said it had found no record of ‘misconduct or allegations of misconduct’ by Savile during his time at the BBC.
The explosive 55-minute ITV documentary titled In Exposure: The Other Side Of Jimmy Savile will be screened on Wednesday.

'Untouchable': Rantzen said Savile was made into a 'god-like figure'
The four women featured, now all middle-aged, offer compelling accounts of how they were groomed by Savile for sex when they were teenagers.
The documentary also features damning contributions from former BBC production staff who reveal that the star’s predatory behaviour with girls as young as 12 was an open secret. And a child protection expert who investigated the claims for ITV tells the programme he is convinced Savile, who died last year, would face arrest if still alive.
Singer Coleen Nolan, who does not appear in the ITV programme, revealed four years ago that she was horrified when Savile intimately cuddled her in 1979 on Top Of The Pops when she was 14. She said: ‘He was all over me. I could see my sisters glaring, “You touch her and we’ ll kill you!” – and they would have done.’
Mark Williams-Thomas, who for 12 years was a detective and child protection officer, spent a year talking to Savile’s former victims.
He told The Mail on Sunday: ‘They were in awe of an individual who could give them a great number of benefits, and so the abuse could go on and on unchecked.

'He was all over me': 14-year-old Coleen Nolan (pictured with Savile on Top Of The Pops in 1979) said she was horrified when he intimately cuddled her on the show
'The women thought no one would believe them then, and even now they are terrified of the potential backlash from his fans and from his estate. But I have no doubt that on the evidence I have gathered, if Savile was still alive I would be banging on his door to get him nicked.’
Mr Williams-Thomas was a child protection officer with Surrey Police and worked on the prosecution of pop impresario Jonathan King on charges of sex with underage boys.
Since leaving the police, he has become a consultant on child protection and fronted the ITV documentary To Catch A Paedophile.
He said: ‘Early last year I was asked by a contact if I was aware of allegations that had circulated for years about Savile and young girls and if I knew of an investigation into a complaint made to Surrey police in 2007.

During broadcasting: Rantzen (pictured left in 1987 and right last year) said that Savile's style of abuse and the attack on the girls was consistent. 'What upsets me so much is that not one of these children could ask for help,' Rantzen said
‘When Savile died, I began an investigation and was put in contact with several women who alleged they had been abused by him.’
The shocking conclusion of his investigation is that Savile, who was the face of Top Of The Pops for three decades as well as Jim’ll Fix It, groomed girls as young as 12 for sex.
Savile’s victims tell strikingly similar stories in the documentary, which is to be screened at 11pm – two hours after the watershed.
Until his death at 84, Savile was seen as an outlandish but avuncular star who loved tracksuits and ostentatious jewellery. But despite his tireless charity work, he never escaped dark rumours about his lifestyle. The ITV investigation makes concrete allegations for the first time.

Would have: Savile, who died last year, pictured is his grave, would have faced arrest if still alive, a child protection expert claims on the documentary
Aangirfan.blogspot.com writes

The late Sir Jimmy Savile with Lady Diana
Was Jimmy Savile being used by the intelligence services?
Reportedly, some BBC producers were aware of Jimmy Savile's behaviour "as far back as the mid 1960s."
'Anna', a former pupil from Duncroft was invited backstage after a recording of one of savile's BBC shows.
Allegedly Jimmy Saville supplied kids to top people such as former UK prime minister Ted Heath.
Allegedly, UK Prime Minister Edward Heath "would regularly take boys from certain care homes away on his boat for weekends....
"The name 'Mr. Eddy' was well known on Hampstead Heath and the boys home nearby in the seventies."

Child abuse at a childrens' home in Jersey - "Seems Jimmy Saville, Wilfred Brambles (played the old boy in Steptoe) and at least one ex Tory cabinet minister are implicated.
"Saville has put out a gagging order, he was a regular visitor to the home.
"Very similar to Kincora and other similar scandals where masons conspired with top cops and those in high places to escape justice."
(Masonic child abuse in jersey, Jimmy Saville implicated - Stormfront)
"He ... did have some contacts at morgues around the country and he paid them for access to their, shall we say, clients."
(Jimmy Savile - David Icke's Official Forums) 
Euan Blair, 'son of Tony and Cherie Blair'.
Euan Blair is a controversial character. (Euan Blair Made Me Pregnant !)
Euan Blair is readying to become a Member of Parliament.

Euan Blair, whose mother is Cherie Blair.
"I always thought Euan resembled Cherie's lover Derry Irvine more than he ever did her husband."
Names of the powerful often misrepresent their real progeny at the tap 30 September 2012.

"On or around Thursday 13th May 2004 Tony Blair's 16 year old daughter Kathryn attempted to commit suicide...

'We colluded with Jimmy Savile as a child abuser', says Esther Rantzen.
Esther Rantzen: We colluded with Jimmy Saville as a child abuser

1. "Money spent on early childhood yields higher returns than in any other phase of life.
"It can also reduce galloping inequality."
(Why three is the magic number - Simon Kuper, Financial Times, 28 September 2012)

Reportedly, Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama, appeared in porn mags.
A film claiming that Obama's mother posed for pornographic pictures in bondage gear, and that Obama's father is Frank Marshall Davis, is being sent to millions of swing voters in the USA.
With 'Dreams From My Real Father,' Have Obama Haters Hit Rock Bottom? - Daily Beast
The film, 'Dreams From My Real Father' claims that Davis photographed Ann Dunham and sold the photos to magazines such as 'Bizarre Life', 'Exotique', and 'Secret Pleasures'.

The film, 'Dreams From My Real Father' has been made by Joel Gilbert, a pro-Israel Los Angeles based filmmaker known for films such as 'Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad's Coming War for Islamic Revival' and 'Farewell Israel."

Joel Gilbert
Gilbert reportedly studied at the London School of Economics, which has connections to MI6, and at George Washington University, which has connections to the CIA.

According to the Sunday Times , 12 September 2010, British soldiers have reportedly been using military aircraft to ship Afghan heroin to the UK's Brize Norton military base.
"Evidence from local drug smugglers has for some time suggested that British troops may be involved in the (drug) trade," reported the Sunday Times.
The Ministry of Defence has been "investigating the allegations" of a whistleblower.
The Sunday Times quotes an Afghan drugs dealer as saying: "most of the foreigners who do these deals are the military...
"They are carrying these drugs in the military airlines..."
Aangirfan.blogspot.com writes
Monday, October 01, 2012

The late Sir Jimmy Savile with Lady Diana
Was Jimmy Savile being used by the intelligence services?
Reportedly, some BBC producers were aware of Jimmy Savile's behaviour "as far back as the mid 1960s."
Reportedly, the BBC turned a blind eye to Savile's alleged child sex abuse.
"One of the assaults had even been witnessed by the member of a BBC television production team."
Wilfred De'Ath, a former BBC producer, says that, in 1964, he saw Savile in a restaurant with a 12 year-old girl, who had been picked up by Savile at the BBC.

Savile with the former BBC personality Esther Rantzen, who is now working for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Sir Jimmy Savile was knighted by the Queen and 'feted' by the Pope. - Jim-fooled-thinking-saint
The BBC is said to have close links to the security services.
The BBC blocked a Newsnight investigation into the Savile's 'predatory behaviour'.
Sources at the BBC say that the Newsnight investigation uncovered evidence that two other celebrities allegedly sexually abused underage girls on its premises in the 1970s.

The military carry the coffin at Savile's funeral at Leeds Cathedral.
An ITV1 documentary includes a 2009 recording of Savile talking in support of Gary Glitter, who was later jailed for child sex offences in Vietnam.
Reportedly, Savile molested girls on a couch in his BBC dressing room, and sometimes he would pin them roughly against the wall in the BBC corridors.
Did TV bosses turn a blind eye to Savile?.

Duncroft School.

Savile with the former BBC personality Esther Rantzen, who is now working for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Sir Jimmy Savile was knighted by the Queen and 'feted' by the Pope. - Jim-fooled-thinking-saint
The BBC is said to have close links to the security services.
The BBC blocked a Newsnight investigation into the Savile's 'predatory behaviour'.
Sources at the BBC say that the Newsnight investigation uncovered evidence that two other celebrities allegedly sexually abused underage girls on its premises in the 1970s.

The military carry the coffin at Savile's funeral at Leeds Cathedral.
An ITV1 documentary includes a 2009 recording of Savile talking in support of Gary Glitter, who was later jailed for child sex offences in Vietnam.
Reportedly, Savile molested girls on a couch in his BBC dressing room, and sometimes he would pin them roughly against the wall in the BBC corridors.
Did TV bosses turn a blind eye to Savile?.

Duncroft School.
Savile was a frequent visitor to the Duncroft School 'for intelligent, emotionally disturbed' girls.
Two Duncroft girls "were repeatedly raped" by Savile. Both girls claim that Savile gave them sexually transmitted diseases.
"The revelations follow a year-long investigation by former Surrey police child protection officer Mark Williams-Thomas for an ITV documentary."
According to Mr Williams-Thomas, "This was a man who was Mr BBC. He was everywhere, he was iconic and he was incredibly well-connected."
"The revelations follow a year-long investigation by former Surrey police child protection officer Mark Williams-Thomas for an ITV documentary."
According to Mr Williams-Thomas, "This was a man who was Mr BBC. He was everywhere, he was iconic and he was incredibly well-connected."
Savile had links to top people. Pall bearers from the Royal Marines carry the coffin of Sir Jimmy. Website for this image
'Anna', a former pupil from Duncroft was invited backstage after a recording of one of savile's BBC shows.
She says Savile looked on while two other BBC stars abused an underage girl in his dressing room and one had sex with her.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2210972/Did-TV-bosses-turn-blind-eye-Savile-Anger-grows-string-age-girls-come-forward-say-star-abused-them.html#ixzz281tLKvDm
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2210972/Did-TV-bosses-turn-blind-eye-Savile-Anger-grows-string-age-girls-come-forward-say-star-abused-them.html#ixzz281tLKvDm

Lord Lieutenant of Orkney Colonel Macrae and Radio 1 DJ Jimmy Savile, by Phoenix Photography
"Sir Jimmy Saville was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heath's yacht the morning cloud...
"Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse."
(http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/1603_jersey.shtml/[2011] JERSEY: Children were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen)

CHILD ABUSE 'COVER-UP'; Police call off Sea Cadets ...
"Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse."
(http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/1603_jersey.shtml/[2011] JERSEY: Children were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen)
CHILD ABUSE 'COVER-UP'; Police call off Sea Cadets ...
"The name 'Mr. Eddy' was well known on Hampstead Heath and the boys home nearby in the seventies."

TV star Jimmy Savile - fond of boys.
On 29 October 2011, a West Yorkshire Police spokesperson said:
'Police were called at 12.10pm today to the discovery of a man's body at a house in Roundhay, Leeds.
'The body of a man in his 80s was found at the property...'
The body was that of Sir Jimmy Savile.
Savile was a regular visitor to Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace, and Highgrove.
(Jimmy Savile dead: Presenter dies aged 84)

On 29 October 2011, a West Yorkshire Police spokesperson said:
'Police were called at 12.10pm today to the discovery of a man's body at a house in Roundhay, Leeds.
'The body of a man in his 80s was found at the property...'
The body was that of Sir Jimmy Savile.
Savile was a regular visitor to Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace, and Highgrove.
(Jimmy Savile dead: Presenter dies aged 84)

Jimmy Savile
"In the 50s, when Savile was running dancehalls in the north, he earned himself a reputation as a hard man.
"Savile, the most Jewish Catholic you'll ever meet, asks me if I've been to Israel...
"He talks about the dancehall days. 'I wouldn't stand for any nonsense whatsoever. Ever, ever. I never threw anybody out.Tied them up and put them down in the bloody boiler house until I was ready for them'...
"The press has dogged him for years, determined to pin some nastiness on him. Savile says they have failed miserably. Is he talking about the paedophile rumours?"
(In bed with Jimmy The Guardian guardian.co.uk)

"In the 50s, when Savile was running dancehalls in the north, he earned himself a reputation as a hard man.
"Savile, the most Jewish Catholic you'll ever meet, asks me if I've been to Israel...
"He talks about the dancehall days. 'I wouldn't stand for any nonsense whatsoever. Ever, ever. I never threw anybody out.Tied them up and put them down in the bloody boiler house until I was ready for them'...
"The press has dogged him for years, determined to pin some nastiness on him. Savile says they have failed miserably. Is he talking about the paedophile rumours?"
(In bed with Jimmy The Guardian guardian.co.uk)

Child abuse at a childrens' home in Jersey - "Seems Jimmy Saville, Wilfred Brambles (played the old boy in Steptoe) and at least one ex Tory cabinet minister are implicated.
"Saville has put out a gagging order, he was a regular visitor to the home.
"Very similar to Kincora and other similar scandals where masons conspired with top cops and those in high places to escape justice."
(Masonic child abuse in jersey, Jimmy Saville implicated - Stormfront)
"He ... did have some contacts at morgues around the country and he paid them for access to their, shall we say, clients."
(Jimmy Savile - David Icke's Official Forums)
Savile and cub scouts
"Savile, the star of children’s television favourite Jim’ll Fix It, decided to start proceedings against the Rupert Murdoch paper after a series of articles linked the former Radio One DJ with Jersey children’s home Haut de la Garenne.
"The police are currently investigating the care home after human remains were found at the residence where children were allegedly tortured and sexually abused.
"On 1 March, Savile’s solicitors said, The Sun carried a photograph of the former Top of the Pops presenter allegedly visiting the Jersey home.
"This was followed with a series of articles. One asserted that Savile was unwilling to assist with the police investigation and another that he admitted having visited the home. The Sun also criticised Savile for being unprepared to 'go some way to fixing it for the victims'."
(Jimmy Savile turns to Fox Hayes for action against The Sun News ...)

"Savile, the star of children’s television favourite Jim’ll Fix It, decided to start proceedings against the Rupert Murdoch paper after a series of articles linked the former Radio One DJ with Jersey children’s home Haut de la Garenne.
"The police are currently investigating the care home after human remains were found at the residence where children were allegedly tortured and sexually abused.
"On 1 March, Savile’s solicitors said, The Sun carried a photograph of the former Top of the Pops presenter allegedly visiting the Jersey home.
"This was followed with a series of articles. One asserted that Savile was unwilling to assist with the police investigation and another that he admitted having visited the home. The Sun also criticised Savile for being unprepared to 'go some way to fixing it for the victims'."
(Jimmy Savile turns to Fox Hayes for action against The Sun News ...)

Sir Jimmy Savile and friends
"In the 1960′s ,The former Radio 1 DJ Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman owned a large corner shop on the Lea Bridge Rd in London.
"This shop has recently been reported as a place where ‘Fluff’ heldkinky parties ,attended by the likes of confirmed bachelor Sir Jimmy Saville , Jonathen King, the once jailed paedophile broadcaster & former pop star and Brian Epstein, who was at the time the Homosexual manager of the Beatles.
"At these parties , young boys , specially brought over from several childrens homes would be plied with drugs and alcohol.
"However these parties were forced to come to an end when Police chiefs got wind that the MP & Ex Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe was attending them along with several other prominent MP’s...
"Edward Heath, Prime Minister of England from 1970-74... was a frequent visitor to the Haute de la Garenne childrens care home on Jersey."

"In the 1960′s ,The former Radio 1 DJ Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman owned a large corner shop on the Lea Bridge Rd in London.
"This shop has recently been reported as a place where ‘Fluff’ heldkinky parties ,attended by the likes of confirmed bachelor Sir Jimmy Saville , Jonathen King, the once jailed paedophile broadcaster & former pop star and Brian Epstein, who was at the time the Homosexual manager of the Beatles.
"At these parties , young boys , specially brought over from several childrens homes would be plied with drugs and alcohol.
"However these parties were forced to come to an end when Police chiefs got wind that the MP & Ex Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe was attending them along with several other prominent MP’s...
"Edward Heath, Prime Minister of England from 1970-74... was a frequent visitor to the Haute de la Garenne childrens care home on Jersey."
Jimmy Savile and friends
In 1988, Jimmy Savile "was named as the head of a new task force charged with turning around Broadmoor, Britain’s most notorious high-security psychiatric hospital, home to Ronnie Kray and Peter Sutcliffe."
(Rolls of bank notes in his shell suit, he wore oddness as a badge)
Ronnie Kray reportedly ran a pedophile ring for top people (THE KRAY TWINS, BOYS, TOP PEOPLE, SEX IN PRISONS)
2011 Oct] Death of a Showman: Jimmy Saville 1926-2011 by T Stokes
[2011] JERSEY: Children were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen
In 1988, Jimmy Savile "was named as the head of a new task force charged with turning around Broadmoor, Britain’s most notorious high-security psychiatric hospital, home to Ronnie Kray and Peter Sutcliffe."
(Rolls of bank notes in his shell suit, he wore oddness as a badge)
Ronnie Kray reportedly ran a pedophile ring for top people (THE KRAY TWINS, BOYS, TOP PEOPLE, SEX IN PRISONS)
2011 Oct] Death of a Showman: Jimmy Saville 1926-2011 by T Stokes
[2011] JERSEY: Children were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Euan Blair, 'son of Tony and Cherie Blair'.
Euan Blair is a controversial character. (Euan Blair Made Me Pregnant !)
Euan Blair is readying to become a Member of Parliament.

Euan Blair, whose mother is Cherie Blair.
"I always thought Euan resembled Cherie's lover Derry Irvine more than he ever did her husband."
Names of the powerful often misrepresent their real progeny at the tap 30 September 2012.

Lord Irvine, who has links to the spooks.
In Robert Harris's book, The Ghost, the UK prime minister is a CIA agent, groomed for the leadership of the Labour Party.
The Ghost is apparently about Tony Blair. (Tony Blair as CIA agent - Telegraph)

MI6's Meta Ramsay who was part of a clique that included Derry Irvine, Gordon Brown (former Prime Minister) and George Robertson (former NATO boss) Website.
Baroness Margaret 'Meta' Ramsay was an officer of MI6.
Ramsay has been involved with the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and the Zionist Labour Friends of Israel. (Margaret 'Meta' Ramsay - SourceWatch )
Ramsay was a close friend of Derry Irvine.
When Tony Blair was training to be a lawyer, he was a 'pupil' of Derry Irvine.

Israel's Tzipi Livni and Blair
Irvine's son Alastair was a crack cocaine addict. (Derry Irvine, Baron Irvine of Lairg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
He was imprisoned in the US for stalking an ex girlfriend and threatening to shoot her boyfriend. (Derry Irvine, Baron Irvine of Lairg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Derry Irvine became Blair's Lord Chancellor, the cabinet minister in charge of the legal system.
Irvine made off with the wife of fellow cabinet minister Donald Dewar.
In Robert Harris's book, The Ghost, the UK prime minister is a CIA agent, groomed for the leadership of the Labour Party.
The Ghost is apparently about Tony Blair. (Tony Blair as CIA agent - Telegraph)

MI6's Meta Ramsay who was part of a clique that included Derry Irvine, Gordon Brown (former Prime Minister) and George Robertson (former NATO boss) Website.
Baroness Margaret 'Meta' Ramsay was an officer of MI6.
Ramsay has been involved with the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and the Zionist Labour Friends of Israel. (Margaret 'Meta' Ramsay - SourceWatch )
Ramsay was a close friend of Derry Irvine.
When Tony Blair was training to be a lawyer, he was a 'pupil' of Derry Irvine.

Israel's Tzipi Livni and Blair
Irvine's son Alastair was a crack cocaine addict. (Derry Irvine, Baron Irvine of Lairg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
He was imprisoned in the US for stalking an ex girlfriend and threatening to shoot her boyfriend. (Derry Irvine, Baron Irvine of Lairg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Derry Irvine became Blair's Lord Chancellor, the cabinet minister in charge of the legal system.
Irvine made off with the wife of fellow cabinet minister Donald Dewar.

Kathryn Blair, 'Tony Blair's daughter'.
"On or around Thursday 13th May 2004 Tony Blair's 16 year old daughter Kathryn attempted to commit suicide...
"She was rushed to hospital and a news blackout was requested by the PM's office and adhered to by the British Press...
"News about the suicide attempt was confirmed by Alan Johnson, Labour MP for West Hull and Hessle."
Tony Blair's daughter Kathryn in suicide bid
"News about the suicide attempt was confirmed by Alan Johnson, Labour MP for West Hull and Hessle."
Tony Blair's daughter Kathryn in suicide bid

One of Tony Blair's homes.
"In 1983 at Bow St Magistrates Court a certain Charles Lynton was fined £50 for attempted soliciting in city toilets."
Ofra, with the muscular arms
"The Israeli media has speculated that Tony Blair is having an affair with an Israeli woman, called Ofra Strauss. (Tony Blair's intriguing friendship with Ofra Strauss, an Israeli.)
"The Strausses were active in the Jewish underground movement which opposed British rule of Palestine." (The rewards of one Zionist dream.)
"The Israeli media has speculated that Tony Blair is having an affair with an Israeli woman, called Ofra Strauss. (Tony Blair's intriguing friendship with Ofra Strauss, an Israeli.)
"The Strausses were active in the Jewish underground movement which opposed British rule of Palestine." (The rewards of one Zionist dream.)

Jimmy Savile and Elvis.
Have the anti-child-abuse charities been infiltrated by powerful elite child abusers?
Are these charities being used by the 'Kosher Nostra' as part of their efforts to blackmail prime ministers, judges and generals?

Esther Rantzen
Esther Rantzen, an English TV presenter, founded the child protection charity ChildLine'We colluded with Jimmy Savile as a child abuser', says Esther Rantzen.
Esther Rantzen: We colluded with Jimmy Saville as a child abuser

Jimmy Savile (centre)
The former TV star Jimmy Savile has been accused of supplying children to members of the elite for sexual abuse.
Rantzen told The Mail on Sunday: "I feel that we in television, in his world, in some way colluded with him as a child abuser - because I now believe that’s what he was."
TV host Jimmy Savile sexually abused 10 girls during career peak, documentary to reveal
A new TV documentary features former BBC production staff who report that the Jimmy Saville's 'predatory behaviour with girls as young as 12 was an open secret'.

When ChildLine began in October 1986, fifty thousand attempted calls were made to the helpline.
ChildLine now has twelve bases around the UK.
In 2006 ChildLine merged with the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), which has enabled it to expand to try to meet demand.
The helpline has now been copied in 150 countries around the world.
Rantzen is a Trustee of the NSPCC, as well as being President of ChildLine.
The former TV star Jimmy Savile has been accused of supplying children to members of the elite for sexual abuse.
Rantzen told The Mail on Sunday: "I feel that we in television, in his world, in some way colluded with him as a child abuser - because I now believe that’s what he was."
TV host Jimmy Savile sexually abused 10 girls during career peak, documentary to reveal
A new TV documentary features former BBC production staff who report that the Jimmy Saville's 'predatory behaviour with girls as young as 12 was an open secret'.
When ChildLine began in October 1986, fifty thousand attempted calls were made to the helpline.
ChildLine now has twelve bases around the UK.
In 2006 ChildLine merged with the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), which has enabled it to expand to try to meet demand.
The helpline has now been copied in 150 countries around the world.
Rantzen is a Trustee of the NSPCC, as well as being President of ChildLine.

Mandelson (right), Rothschild (left)
"When it comes to secrecy the two are well-matched, for Mandy hides all his financial ‘affairs’ behind a blind trust.
"His Lordship did however campaign actively for the of age of homosexual consent to be lowered to sixteen.
"And as long ago as 2002, documents that the NSPCC submitted to the public inquiry into Victoria Climbie’s death (in Haringey) were apparently changed to put its conduct in a better light.
"Radio 4′s Today programme revealed how the NSPCC’s own staff did next to nothing when Haringey social services referred eight-year-old Victoria to an NSPCC family centre in north London."
Jimmy Savile raped me: TV star accused of subjecting schoolgirl to sickening abuse at height of fame

What about Lord Mandelson and the NSPCC?.
"A pivotal organisation for childcare in Britain is the NSPCC.
"A pivotal organisation for childcare in Britain is the NSPCC.
"When it comes to secrecy the two are well-matched, for Mandy hides all his financial ‘affairs’ behind a blind trust.
"His Lordship did however campaign actively for the of age of homosexual consent to be lowered to sixteen.
"And as long ago as 2002, documents that the NSPCC submitted to the public inquiry into Victoria Climbie’s death (in Haringey) were apparently changed to put its conduct in a better light.
"Radio 4′s Today programme revealed how the NSPCC’s own staff did next to nothing when Haringey social services referred eight-year-old Victoria to an NSPCC family centre in north London."

"I was lucky to meet Jimmy Saville in 1984... I am standing at the back." Website for this image
Sir Jimmy Savile was knighted in 1990 for his charity work.
He met some of his 'victims' at a school, which he visited regularly. Sir Jimmy Savile was knighted in 1990 for his charity work.
Jimmy Savile raped me: TV star accused of subjecting schoolgirl to sickening abuse at height of fame
One girl called Fiona said: "It was quite a treat to be taken out by him. The very first time he abused me it was actually in the back of his car. I knew what was expected of me because I was having this wonderful day out and I was expected to pay for it. Nobody believed me then, so I don’t expect anybody to believe me now.
"By the time I’d finished spending some time with him, the wire from my bra had come up over the top of my breast. He’d also had a good fumble around in my knickers. I was expected to masturbate him."
"By the time I’d finished spending some time with him, the wire from my bra had come up over the top of my breast. He’d also had a good fumble around in my knickers. I was expected to masturbate him."
She says he abused her at BBC Television Centre.

Jimmy Savile with Cardinal Gray
Charlotte revealed how, aged 14, she was punished after telling teachers he had assaulted her in his caravan.
Charlotte revealed how, aged 14, she was punished after telling teachers he had assaulted her in his caravan.
"I remember that I sat on his lap. And then I felt this hand sort of go up my jumper and on my breast. I absolutely freaked out.
"Then I was just dragged out of the caravan by two of the staff... and told what a filthy mouth I have, how can I make those terrible accusations, Uncle Jimmy does nothing but good for the school. I was taken to the isolation unit, left there for two or three days."
"Then I was just dragged out of the caravan by two of the staff... and told what a filthy mouth I have, how can I make those terrible accusations, Uncle Jimmy does nothing but good for the school. I was taken to the isolation unit, left there for two or three days."

Savile's funeral. Savile had links to the military, BBC, politcians...
Another woman told how Savile raped her when she was 15 and had sex with her many times.
Another woman told how Savile raped her when she was 15 and had sex with her many times.
She said: "It was in a London hotel. Before I knew it he had me on the bed and he was having sex with me. It happened on a number of occasions. It was very, very quick, very unemotional and that was it."
Another woman says Savile attacked her when she was 14.
Another woman says Savile attacked her when she was 14.
Savile had watched her sing in a choir at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
She said: "After the concert, I ran up to him to let him know I was the one who had sent him a letter about the choir. Before I knew what had happened he’d stuck his tongue into my mouth."
A former BBC production assistant Sue Thompson says she once walked into Savile's dressing room while he was kissing and groping a girl.
A former BBC production assistant Sue Thompson says she once walked into Savile's dressing room while he was kissing and groping a girl.

Kincora Boys' Home - The Economic Times
Kincora Boys' Home - The Economic Times
Saturday, September 29, 2012

USA - Website for this image...
1. "Money spent on early childhood yields higher returns than in any other phase of life.
"It can also reduce galloping inequality."
(Why three is the magic number - Simon Kuper, Financial Times, 28 September 2012)

Romney. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP...
2. "You can make a (pretty good) argument to say that rising inequality, in the form of falling real wages for the 99 per cent, left consumers with no power to consume unless they borrowed to do so - another big contributory factor in the financial crisis."
(The day that really changed the world - Merryn Somerset Webb, Financial Times, 28 September 2012.)
It pays to pay people well, and it pays to spend money on infants.

Infant Mortality Rates are high in the USA.
3. Mitt Romney referred to the 47 per cent of Americans who rely on handouts from the government.
If Romney wants to improve the situation, he needs to think about infants.
A modest investment in infants means that governments can eventually spend less on prisons, mental hospitals, and welfare handouts.

Website for this image
2. "You can make a (pretty good) argument to say that rising inequality, in the form of falling real wages for the 99 per cent, left consumers with no power to consume unless they borrowed to do so - another big contributory factor in the financial crisis."
(The day that really changed the world - Merryn Somerset Webb, Financial Times, 28 September 2012.)
It pays to pay people well, and it pays to spend money on infants.

Infant Mortality Rates are high in the USA.
3. Mitt Romney referred to the 47 per cent of Americans who rely on handouts from the government.
If Romney wants to improve the situation, he needs to think about infants.
A modest investment in infants means that governments can eventually spend less on prisons, mental hospitals, and welfare handouts.

Website for this image
4. Let's look at 'Why three is the magic number' by Simon Kuper
According to Simon Kuper:
There has been research into the 'stimulation' of infants.
Health workers made weekly visits to a group of poor mothers and infants.
They were given extra milk, books and toys.
The mothers were coached in playing and chatting with their kids.
By their late teens, these 'stimulated' children, compared to their peers, had:
Higher IQs,
Better mental health, and
Lower rates of crime.
And today, the previously stimulated infants appear to be earning higher wages than their peers.
According to Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child: "In the first few years of life, 700 new neural connections are formed every second."
Neural connections build 'brain architecture'.
By age 3, the average American child of college-educated parents knows 1,200 words.
By age 3, the average child of parents on welfare knows about 400 words.

Website for this image
According to James Heckman, the Nobel-winning economist, early-childhood 'investment' boosts future health, productivity and equality, while also reducing crime.
Professor Grantham-McGregor, of University College London, says:
"I found in Jamaica that the moment parents realise stimulating infants matters, they become quite keen to do it."
Pakistan’s 'lady health visitors' are achieving great results, she says.
Peru has a similar programme.
A modest investment in infants means that governments can eventually spend less on prisons, mental hospitals, and welfare handouts.
According to Simon Kuper:
There has been research into the 'stimulation' of infants.
Health workers made weekly visits to a group of poor mothers and infants.
They were given extra milk, books and toys.
The mothers were coached in playing and chatting with their kids.
By their late teens, these 'stimulated' children, compared to their peers, had:
Higher IQs,
Better mental health, and
Lower rates of crime.
And today, the previously stimulated infants appear to be earning higher wages than their peers.
According to Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child: "In the first few years of life, 700 new neural connections are formed every second."
Neural connections build 'brain architecture'.
By age 3, the average American child of college-educated parents knows 1,200 words.
By age 3, the average child of parents on welfare knows about 400 words.

Website for this image
According to James Heckman, the Nobel-winning economist, early-childhood 'investment' boosts future health, productivity and equality, while also reducing crime.
Professor Grantham-McGregor, of University College London, says:
"I found in Jamaica that the moment parents realise stimulating infants matters, they become quite keen to do it."
Pakistan’s 'lady health visitors' are achieving great results, she says.
Peru has a similar programme.
A modest investment in infants means that governments can eventually spend less on prisons, mental hospitals, and welfare handouts.

Reportedly, Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama, appeared in porn mags.
A film claiming that Obama's mother posed for pornographic pictures in bondage gear, and that Obama's father is Frank Marshall Davis, is being sent to millions of swing voters in the USA.
With 'Dreams From My Real Father,' Have Obama Haters Hit Rock Bottom? - Daily Beast
The film, 'Dreams From My Real Father' claims that Davis photographed Ann Dunham and sold the photos to magazines such as 'Bizarre Life', 'Exotique', and 'Secret Pleasures'.
The film claims that Obama’s grandfather was a CIA agent.
(Reportedly, both Frank Davis and Ann Dunham worked for the CIA.)

Left - Mark Davis, son of Frank Davis; right - Barack Obama

Left - Barck Obama; right - Lyn Davis, daughter of Frank Davis.

Ann Dunham

Reportedly, these are pictures of Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama.
The film, 'Dreams From My Real Father' has been made by Joel Gilbert, a pro-Israel Los Angeles based filmmaker known for films such as 'Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad's Coming War for Islamic Revival' and 'Farewell Israel."

Joel Gilbert
Gilbert reportedly studied at the London School of Economics, which has connections to MI6, and at George Washington University, which has connections to the CIA.
Dinesh D'Souza, in his book: 'Obama’s America', alleges that Ann Dunham sent her son Barack to Hawaii so she could have sex with Indonesian men.
'Learning about Ann's sexual adventures in Indonesia, I realized how wrong I had been to consider Barack Obama Sr. the playboy … Ann … was the real playgirl, and despite all her reservations about power, she was using her American background and economic and social power to purchase the romantic attention of third-world men.'

Some bloggers have claimed that the 'scar' on Barack Obama's head is evidence of a CIA mind-control implant.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2210012/Film-claiming-Obamas-mother-posed-pornographic-pictures-sent-million-swing-voters.html#ixzz27pXqbfX8'Learning about Ann's sexual adventures in Indonesia, I realized how wrong I had been to consider Barack Obama Sr. the playboy … Ann … was the real playgirl, and despite all her reservations about power, she was using her American background and economic and social power to purchase the romantic attention of third-world men.'

Some bloggers have claimed that the 'scar' on Barack Obama's head is evidence of a CIA mind-control implant.
The battle seems to be hotting up between the Zionist faction of the CIA (Romney) and the Trilateralist faction of the CIA (Obama)
Both factions are fascist war mongers with mafia links, reportedly.

Mossad's Maxwell
Millions were invested in Mitt Romney's Bain and Company by Robert Maxwell, reportedly a Mossad agent, and Jack Lyons, reportedly a Jewish fraudster.
Romney fortune built with help from Robert Maxwell and Jack Lyons
Maxwell disappeared in mysterious circumstances in 1991, after which it was discovered he had stolen hundreds of millions from an employee pension scheme.
Lyons was convicted after a massive share trading fraud, the Guinness Scandal, linked to the take-over bid for drinks company Distillers.
Jewish fraudster Lyons.
Romney was a senior management consultant at Bain when Bain was caught up in the Guinness scandal as advisers to the drinks firm.
Bain Capital was run from Romney's Boston office.
Lyons was hired to help set up a British office and became the fund's first investor, via a front company in Panama.
Mitt Romney pursued Jack Lyons with 'charm offensive ... - Telegraph
According to the Daily Telegraph Lyons signed up his pal Robert Maxwell.
One Bain executive said: 'Jack took an interest in Bain almost as if we were his sons."
Among the funds other investors were people in El Salvador linked to Right-wing 'death squads'.
The fund yielded an average return of 173 per cent a year from investments in 21 firms.

Christopher Bollyn has written about 'Romney's Israeli Handler'.(Mitt Romney An Agent Of The State Of Israel - Rense.com)

Mossad's Maxwell
Millions were invested in Mitt Romney's Bain and Company by Robert Maxwell, reportedly a Mossad agent, and Jack Lyons, reportedly a Jewish fraudster.
Romney fortune built with help from Robert Maxwell and Jack Lyons
Maxwell disappeared in mysterious circumstances in 1991, after which it was discovered he had stolen hundreds of millions from an employee pension scheme.
Lyons was convicted after a massive share trading fraud, the Guinness Scandal, linked to the take-over bid for drinks company Distillers.
Jewish fraudster Lyons.
Romney was a senior management consultant at Bain when Bain was caught up in the Guinness scandal as advisers to the drinks firm.
Bain Capital was run from Romney's Boston office.
Lyons was hired to help set up a British office and became the fund's first investor, via a front company in Panama.
Mitt Romney pursued Jack Lyons with 'charm offensive ... - Telegraph
According to the Daily Telegraph Lyons signed up his pal Robert Maxwell.
One Bain executive said: 'Jack took an interest in Bain almost as if we were his sons."
Among the funds other investors were people in El Salvador linked to Right-wing 'death squads'.
The fund yielded an average return of 173 per cent a year from investments in 21 firms.
Orit Gadiesh
Christopher Bollyn has written about 'Romney's Israeli Handler'.(Mitt Romney An Agent Of The State Of Israel - Rense.com)
"Orit Gadiesh, former 'War Room' assistant to Ezer Weizman and Moshe Dayan, is the daughter of Israeli Brigadier General Falk Gadiesh (born Falk Gruenfeld, Berlin, 1921) and his Ukrainian-born wife.
"Gadiesh is chairman of the management consulting firm Bain & Company, the parent company of Bain Capital, and was the company’s managing director under CEO Mitt Romney in 1992. 'She’s like a Jewish mother figure to many of the people at Bain,' ex-Bainie Dan Quinn told Fortune magazine in 1996."
Friday, September 28, 2012
Anonymous left this comment on the post "BODY ON QUEEN'S NORFOLK ESTATE - SUSPECTS RELEASED":
"Recently a top policeman was found dead...
"This policeman was asking questions about child brothels near a Norfolk airbase."
Anonymous points out that this same policeman investigated suspected vote rigging when Tony Blair's friend Margaret Hodge (Oppenheim), former minister for Children, became the member of parliament for Barking.

"Recently a top policeman was found dead...
"This policeman was asking questions about child brothels near a Norfolk airbase."
Anonymous points out that this same policeman investigated suspected vote rigging when Tony Blair's friend Margaret Hodge (Oppenheim), former minister for Children, became the member of parliament for Barking.

Jeff Chevalier, the male prostitute who had dinner with Tony Blair and Lord Browne. "The encounter casts revealing light on the two men - and on the overlap that exists between their business and their personal relationships." The TRUE story about Lord Browne - by ex-rent boy lover | Mail Online
Anonymous (an 'ex-policeman') left this comment on the post "BODY ON QUEEN'S ESTATE - SUSPECTS RELEASED":
"Ex police chief Julie Spence went out on a limb in Operation Radium to close 120 mafia run brothels, in the general Norfolk area...
"Ex police chief Julie Spence went out on a limb in Operation Radium to close 120 mafia run brothels, in the general Norfolk area...
"The Russian mafia paid large sums to XXXX XXXXX to allow Russian bilionaire criminals into Britain..."

Royal Airfoce Bases
Reportedly, heroin is being flown from Afghanistan to the UK on military planes.According to the Sunday Times , 12 September 2010, British soldiers have reportedly been using military aircraft to ship Afghan heroin to the UK's Brize Norton military base.
"Evidence from local drug smugglers has for some time suggested that British troops may be involved in the (drug) trade," reported the Sunday Times.
The Ministry of Defence has been "investigating the allegations" of a whistleblower.
The Sunday Times quotes an Afghan drugs dealer as saying: "most of the foreigners who do these deals are the military...
"They are carrying these drugs in the military airlines..."

"Operation Radium... is the British national security campaign against the British government allowing the trafficking of women and children into Britain for the sex industry.
"Detective Chief Inspector Kevin Vanterpool, in charge at Cambridgeshire, raided 119 mafia brothels.
"Some girls claimed they had to service 60 clients a day, and 5 showed signs of torture...

"The Russian mafia boss Ivan Lukaszewski ... says his money is made up from supplying half price labour to the factories and farms in the area, and that the British government itself is responsible for people trafficking,
"Many senior Russian mafia operatives live in the Norfolk Kings Lyn area, where the New Labour M.P George Turner some 10 years ago, foolishly agreed to huge numbers of Soviet Bloc refugees coming to the area...
"Particularly targeted for blackmail are those who work at the local airbases and have access to secrets...
"More and more workers ... with technical knowledge, teachers, policemen and a senior evangelical preacher are on the files and are also laying themselves open to blackmail by visiting these establishments..."

UK Prime Minister Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career'. Cottaging involves picking up young males in public toilets.

Here is an article from T Stokes which refers to that part of the UK where the teenage girl was found on the Queen's estate:
UK Sex Trafficking
UK Sex Trafficking
"Operation Radium... is the British national security campaign against the British government allowing the trafficking of women and children into Britain for the sex industry.
"Detective Chief Inspector Kevin Vanterpool, in charge at Cambridgeshire, raided 119 mafia brothels.
"Some girls claimed they had to service 60 clients a day, and 5 showed signs of torture...

"The Russian mafia boss Ivan Lukaszewski ... says his money is made up from supplying half price labour to the factories and farms in the area, and that the British government itself is responsible for people trafficking,
"Many senior Russian mafia operatives live in the Norfolk Kings Lyn area, where the New Labour M.P George Turner some 10 years ago, foolishly agreed to huge numbers of Soviet Bloc refugees coming to the area...
"Particularly targeted for blackmail are those who work at the local airbases and have access to secrets...
"More and more workers ... with technical knowledge, teachers, policemen and a senior evangelical preacher are on the files and are also laying themselves open to blackmail by visiting these establishments..."

UK Prime Minister Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career'. Cottaging involves picking up young males in public toilets.
According to T Stokes:
"In 1983 at Bow St Magistrates Court a certain Charles Lynton was fined £50 for attempted soliciting in city toilets."The police notes were to disappear later along with several prior verbal warnings.
"Charles Lynton was at university well known as 'Miranda' a promiscous cross dresser who played a guitar badly.

"Charles Lynton is Tony Blair's middle names...
"The NSA whistleblower David Murphy-Fawkes has said they listened in to all Tony Blairs calls, as the US senate saw him as a lightweight 'pinnochio' figure...
"Peter Mandelson (who has a boyfriend) is controlling director of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children...
"When Margaret Hodge (Oppenheimer) was Children's Minister she lived next door to Tony Blair.

Rantzen in red and black.
"They also knew childline funders Sarah Caplin and Esther Rantzen, who are connected to TV mogul Michael Grade.
"The Metropolitan police tell us that a score of scandals have hit childrens homes across the country...
"Interestingly a score of names of frequent visitors to these care homes, including pop musicians DJs and top politicans, was D noticed by Tony Blair, including mention that Gordon Brown was close to several rent boys and Sarah Macauley was paid £50,000 to marry him and stay the course.
"This out of publisher Robert Maxwels 'Black Widow Fund' which went usually to zionist activists.
"Maxwells daughter Ghislaine is said to be fund adminstrator and close to Prince Andrew..."

Blair at Fettes (Website for this image). Scotland on Sunday revealed that the man who taught Tony Blair history, left Fettes following allegations including fondling boys while he caned them, watching children on the toilet and becoming aroused while meting out corporal punishment. Former Fettes pupil Lord MacLean, one of the judges at the Lockerbie trial, rallied around their former teacher, saying they do not have any recollection of him ever behaving in an inappropriate manner.
Tony Blair, who is sometimes known as Miranda, attended a private boarding school called Fettes, in Edinburgh.
One of the people Tony Blair had contact with at Fettes was Sir Knox Cunningham.
According to John Rentoul's biography Tony Blair Prime Minister, Knox Cunningham would visit the school several times a year and he liked to visit the boys' quarters.
Blair loved having discussions with Knox Cunningham.

John Rentoul quotes one of Blair's contemporaries as saying: "Cunningham was the sort of man who liked boys."
According to Martin Dillon's book "The Trigger Men", Knox Cunningham was homosexual and had links to people involved in a child sex abuse ring.
According to Dillon: "William Mc Grath ... was a BritishIntelligence agent from the 1950s onwards...
"He sought out young men and boys..."
McGrath "knew Sir Knox Cunningham and other leading Unionist homosexuals.
"Collectively, they were part of what today would be called a pedophile ring.
"While researching my book God and the Gun, I spoke to a source about this 'ring' and he explained that there were several Boys’ Homes in Northern Ireland from which boys were picked up and taken to parties in Brighton, England.
"McGrath ... had protection from the British Intelligence community before the Troubles began in earnest.
"As my source said, 'top hats and royalty', meaning the English upper classes and people connected to the Royal Family, were part of a wider homosexual ring in which Mc Grath was an integral player."

Ronald Selby-Wright and Princess Margaret
At Fettes, Tony Blair was close friends with Ronald Selby Wright, a Church of Scotland minister with links to the military and to boys clubs. (Ronald Selby Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
According to John Rentoul, Tony Blair, in his final year at Fettes, ran a summer camp for Selby Wright's boys' club.
Reportedly, Selby Wright was 'a persistent paedophile abusing boys at Fettes and elsewhere'.
According to The Sunday Times, 25 May 1997, "Blair’s School Mentor Was a Sex Abuser." (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 18).

Margaret Hodge, who is Jewish, is one of the 'secret' rulers of Britain. She once ran Islington Council in London. She was Tony Blair's Minister for Children..
On 16 November 2008, the Mail on Sunday told us How a close male relative of Baby P is linked to a big paedophile ring
This child-abuse ring operated in Labour-run Islington, the part of London where Tony Blair once lived.
Reportedly, the ring supplied boys to top people.
(This child abuse ring, reportedly, has links to the child abuse in Jersey, which in turn, reportedly, has links to the Dutroux affair and the security services)
The close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys from children's homes in Islington for the child-abuse ring, according to a secret report seen by The Mail on Sunday.
In the early 1990s, the relative, as a boy, was put in a children's home, in Labour-run Islington, in London.
All 12 of the children's homes in Islington were being used by the child-abuse ring, which reportedly had links to top people.
5,000 child sex slaves in the UK
'More than 5,000 children are being forced to work as sex slaves in the UK, including thousands trafficked to this country by criminal gangs.'
Sex traffic: Danielle was 15 when she was sold into slavery
aangirfan: QUEER GOINGS ON
"The NSA whistleblower David Murphy-Fawkes has said they listened in to all Tony Blairs calls, as the US senate saw him as a lightweight 'pinnochio' figure...
"Peter Mandelson (who has a boyfriend) is controlling director of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children...
"When Margaret Hodge (Oppenheimer) was Children's Minister she lived next door to Tony Blair.

Rantzen in red and black.
"They also knew childline funders Sarah Caplin and Esther Rantzen, who are connected to TV mogul Michael Grade.
"The Metropolitan police tell us that a score of scandals have hit childrens homes across the country...
"Interestingly a score of names of frequent visitors to these care homes, including pop musicians DJs and top politicans, was D noticed by Tony Blair, including mention that Gordon Brown was close to several rent boys and Sarah Macauley was paid £50,000 to marry him and stay the course.
"This out of publisher Robert Maxwels 'Black Widow Fund' which went usually to zionist activists.
"Maxwells daughter Ghislaine is said to be fund adminstrator and close to Prince Andrew..."

Blair at Fettes (Website for this image). Scotland on Sunday revealed that the man who taught Tony Blair history, left Fettes following allegations including fondling boys while he caned them, watching children on the toilet and becoming aroused while meting out corporal punishment. Former Fettes pupil Lord MacLean, one of the judges at the Lockerbie trial, rallied around their former teacher, saying they do not have any recollection of him ever behaving in an inappropriate manner.
Tony Blair, who is sometimes known as Miranda, attended a private boarding school called Fettes, in Edinburgh.
One of the people Tony Blair had contact with at Fettes was Sir Knox Cunningham.
According to John Rentoul's biography Tony Blair Prime Minister, Knox Cunningham would visit the school several times a year and he liked to visit the boys' quarters.
Blair loved having discussions with Knox Cunningham.

John Rentoul quotes one of Blair's contemporaries as saying: "Cunningham was the sort of man who liked boys."
According to Martin Dillon's book "The Trigger Men", Knox Cunningham was homosexual and had links to people involved in a child sex abuse ring.
According to Dillon: "William Mc Grath ... was a BritishIntelligence agent from the 1950s onwards...
"He sought out young men and boys..."
McGrath "knew Sir Knox Cunningham and other leading Unionist homosexuals.
"Collectively, they were part of what today would be called a pedophile ring.
"While researching my book God and the Gun, I spoke to a source about this 'ring' and he explained that there were several Boys’ Homes in Northern Ireland from which boys were picked up and taken to parties in Brighton, England.
"McGrath ... had protection from the British Intelligence community before the Troubles began in earnest.
"As my source said, 'top hats and royalty', meaning the English upper classes and people connected to the Royal Family, were part of a wider homosexual ring in which Mc Grath was an integral player."

Ronald Selby-Wright and Princess Margaret
At Fettes, Tony Blair was close friends with Ronald Selby Wright, a Church of Scotland minister with links to the military and to boys clubs. (Ronald Selby Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
According to John Rentoul, Tony Blair, in his final year at Fettes, ran a summer camp for Selby Wright's boys' club.
Reportedly, Selby Wright was 'a persistent paedophile abusing boys at Fettes and elsewhere'.
According to The Sunday Times, 25 May 1997, "Blair’s School Mentor Was a Sex Abuser." (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 18).

Margaret Hodge, who is Jewish, is one of the 'secret' rulers of Britain. She once ran Islington Council in London. She was Tony Blair's Minister for Children..
On 16 November 2008, the Mail on Sunday told us How a close male relative of Baby P is linked to a big paedophile ring
This child-abuse ring operated in Labour-run Islington, the part of London where Tony Blair once lived.
Reportedly, the ring supplied boys to top people.
(This child abuse ring, reportedly, has links to the child abuse in Jersey, which in turn, reportedly, has links to the Dutroux affair and the security services)
The close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys from children's homes in Islington for the child-abuse ring, according to a secret report seen by The Mail on Sunday.
In the early 1990s, the relative, as a boy, was put in a children's home, in Labour-run Islington, in London.
All 12 of the children's homes in Islington were being used by the child-abuse ring, which reportedly had links to top people.
5,000 child sex slaves in the UK
'More than 5,000 children are being forced to work as sex slaves in the UK, including thousands trafficked to this country by criminal gangs.'
Sex traffic: Danielle was 15 when she was sold into slavery
aangirfan: QUEER GOINGS ON
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