It's recently come to my attention that many of the download links to early Wilfully Obscure entries (which presently appear to be confined to 2007) have been inexplicably deleted on the part of Rapidshare. A bit of a surprise considering I'm a premium member. In any event I'm still assessing which files are active/inactive, and in the coming months will do my best to restore them. Bear in mind some of the titles I shared five years ago have come back into print, if only through iTunes, so you might be routed accordingly. If you have any particular requests please send me an email via my Blogger profile.

The first items to be restored are from none other than the finest band the nation of New Zealand has ever produced, the
Straitjacket Fits! Perhaps not as "seminal" to some Kiwiphiles as The Clean, Tall Draves and yes, the much revered Chills,
Shayne Carter and crew nonetheless made a far greater and lasting impression on this pair of eardrums. I re-introduce to you their first album,
Hail, intermingled with the contents of the
Life in One Chord ep. I've set up an additional link to their
Missing From Melt ep, featuring outtakes and alternate versions from 1991's
Melt, the Fits second album. Please refer to the
original entries for tracklistings and my initial write-ups. BTW, the Triple J Wireless Session from 1991 that I posted isn't active at this time, as I may have misplaced some of the files.
Hail/Life in One Chord ep: From Melt ep: