fenn - spanish (1993, Mean)

There probably isn't a hell of a lot I can tell you about fenn, other than that they were actually Scottish, not Spanish.  Ensconced in their lineup was one Luke Sutherland, who eventually went on to be the prime mover in Long Fin Killie, a band I never quite got the gist of.  Spanish (fenn's lone full length from what I've been able to discern) yields ten slices of noisy indie rock drawing from such rich, feedback-ridden watering holes as Swervedriver, Loop, Bailter Space and even American legends Bitch Magnet.  There's plenty more comparisons I can rattle off that are doubly arcane, including the mildly tuneful Cars Get Crushed, Rein Sanction, to name two, but those likenesses are almost certainly coincidental.  fenn's swirling sonic density can't be understated, but neither can their surprising approachability.  These folks must have been absolutely concussive in a live setting.  If there are any other records by them that are worth investigating please let us know.

01. quietly vegan
02. not jelly
03. mild mannered janitor  
04. anagram stan
05. numb
06. pop jop
07. saint's gate
08. lead limb
09. cosh
10. head realiser
