Considering that one of the most ardent fans of this blog was nice enough to send me not one, not two, but FIVE Tall Tales & True 12" records for me as a Christmas gift, I probably should have shared all of them a full year after the fact, but I'm a bit of a procrastinator. Since I'm right at the one year mark of receiving that extremely generous present, I submit to you the last two records in my series of TT&T eps. "Hold On" is a less than vigorous ballad-cum-rocker culled from this Aussie rock trio's first legit full length, Shiver. If that song isn't particularly representative in of itself, it's two b-sides lag even further behind. "Dark Messenger" is a stark acoustic piece with some cocktail piano arriving by songs end, and sadly, I'm unmoved. The second b-side, "Lullaby #1" is all ivories, featuring guest vocalist Jane Bryant. Pretty much Tall Tales & True in name only, so needless to say this maxi single is hardly the band's finest showing.
Boasting an expanded roster on the 1990 Superstition Highway ep, TT&T not only get things moving in the proper direction, adjunct guitarist SGR McComb lends a heftier tack to the Tales rootsy fervor. The title track and "Nothing Without You" tilt loosely in the direction of some of INXS' better mid-80s ideas, minus the posturing, front-man maneuvers. The remaining tunes aren't half bad either. Along with Shiver (linked above) you can feast on Tall Tale's 1986 debut ep here, and two additional short form records here.
Hold On ep
A. Hold On
B1. Dark Messenger
B2. Lullaby #1
Superstition Highway ep
01. Superstition Highway
02. 3 Tired Words
03. Blackwood
04. Nothing Without You
05. untitled
Superstition Highway ep: