From parts unknown, really? Only if you qualify the metro D.C. area as some far flung outpost I suppose. In actuality, this record really finds The Beatnik Flies stuck somewhere between Nuggets-esque power pop and conventional garage rock, and much like hell, it ain't a bad place to be. If that doesn't give you enough of a clue, think an updated Flamin' Groovies tuning in some faint Radio Birdman frequencies. Something about Parts Unknown feels utterly seeped in the Australian, indie bar-rock circuit of the mid 80s but again, the Flies hail from Washington (heck, they even name check local yokels the Slickee Boys in "Everybody's Dancin'"). Occasionally inconsistent, From Points Unknown's more stimulating moments - "Black Diamond Halo," "TV Star," "Hitchhike" and then some compensate for the infrequent slack. There's a nice write up for this platter, including some additional biographical details, over at Lost in Tyme blog. This rip comes straight from my own copy.
01. Everybody's Dancin'
02. Umbali Wali Sleep
03. Be a Man/Brain Waves
04. Hitchhike
05. Message From the Underground
06. Black Diamond Halo
07. Luxury Dreamride
08. Beatnik Fly Theme
09. I Found Out
10. TV Star
11. Wombat Voodoo