"Up Our Street" is one of the Tales career finest, a polished but rugged slice of left-of-the-dial rock, with a dab of Americana that would do Stateside contemporaries the Del Fuegos and Guadalcanal Diary proud. We're treated to a pair of hep '60s remakes on the flip, "7 & 7 is" and "Luicfer Sam," but you'd be hard pressed to detect anything in the psychedelic realm permeating TT&T's original compositions. And speaking of originals, there are four more occupying the "You Got Your Troubles" 12." The title track exudes the more pedestrian bent of early '80s Stones, while the most satisfying of the three b-sides, "Cyclone Sally" could pass for something off a Mick solo album from the same era. That being said, beats the hell out of me why I like it so much. The remaining pair are acoustic ballads that I'm relatively indifferent to. More Tale Tales to follow...
Up Our Street
A. Up Our Street
B1. 7 and 7 is
B2. Lucifer Sam
B3. Joe's Bar
A. You Got Your Troubles
B1. Cyclone Sally
B2. Who Will Buy
B3. I Always Picture Her
Up Our Street 12" https://rapidshare.com/files/4181468664/ttt_upourstreet.rar
You Got Your Troubles 12" https://rapidshare.com/files/1805861092/ttt_yougottroubles.rar