Yuma House - s/t (1997)

One of the cool perks of working at a radio station (particularly one ensconced within a college or university campus) is that not only are you able to consistently keep your ear to the ground for a hot new commodities destine for the "regular rotation" rack, you often get to lap up some of the "overflow" (i.e. stuff that didn't make the music director's cut)  At my old stomping grounds, bins of rejects would pile up week after week, month after month, and while many of us didn't exactly have ample time to excavate through all the leftovers, so to speak, I made a point to make time.  It was in one of those not-so-coveted crates that I happened upon Yuma House, who ironically didn't hail from Arizona, rather the D.C. environs of Rockville, MD.  Yuma House serves up eleven slices of measured, mild mannered indie pop, steering clear of the all too evident trappings of this quartet's era.  If you're like me, you might detect some faint vapor trails from the sweeter side of the Chapel Hill scene (say, Small 23).  That and maybe a smidgen of Superdrag.  Yuma House have made this album available for download from their website, but chances are you just weren't prescient enough to know about that (no offense folks).  This rip is taken straight from CD however, and if you like what you hear, iTunes and CD Baby are selling Yuma's second release, Future Perfect.

01. Tara
02. Alright
03. Sister Station
04. Out of My Hands
05. Annmarie
06. Joke of a Party
07. Track 6, Track 7
08. Laura
09. Lower Providence
10. Brown and Grey
11. Audiophile
