During their tenure in the mid 90s, The Mommyheads moniker popped up in a variety of places - compilations, fanzine reviews, and even concert handbills from far away places. Despite the fact that this San Fran by way of New York crew intermittently made it onto my radar throughout the Clinton-era, our paths never really crossed, that is until the internets made life a lot more convenient. Acquainting myself with many of the artists on this blog has been a retroactive endeavor, and the Mommyheads are a case in point. In fact, around the time I finally started investigating them, I caught wind of the news that two CDs had hit the market, the Finest Specimens career retrospective, and a reissue of their 1994 fan-favorite album, Flying Suit.

The Mommyheads went a stretch without recording after 1995's Bingham's Hole, but returned in 2008 with You're Not a Dream. Finest Specimens features a handful of selections from that platter, and even digs into the well for some live recordings from a variety of eras. Below is a link for you to sample some of the magic yourself, and if you like what you hear, patronize the Mommyheads over at Dromedary Records where you can purchase both albums, digitally or otherwise.