Emperors of Ice Cream - Imperialism ep (1992)

Perhaps due to a relatively conventional tact, Chapel Hill, NC's Emperors of Ice Cream apparently didn't make too many ripples when the Imperialism ep was dropped in '92, despite their home town's gonzo, indie rock gold rush.  Still, the Emperors buoyantly conveyed guitar pop, which dabbled in everything from XTC (though quite vaguely) to '90s Meat Puppets, occasionally hit the spot, with "Tearing Up the Floor" finding the trio at their utmost catchiest.  'Stop 23" comes in at a close second.  I should also mention that the Amazon.com customer who shared his review of this disk is way off base by referring to them as a shoegazer band in the mold of Ride (though the Smithereens comparison is more accurate). 

01. Landslide
02. Tearing Up the Floor
03. Stop 23
04. Land of the Liel
05. Sister
06. Gone Fishin'
