The cast and crew celebrate after BYE BYE BIRDIE - the first production of SOUTH GATE STAGE - the beginning of an AMAZING journey. Video below:
Bye Bye Birdie After the Show from Dando on Vimeo.
If you want to see more of the Amazing Journey of South Gate Stage... click thumbnail image below. (400 Photos on Webshots can be enlarged and downloaded. )

by SGStage
OR ... click below for a photo slide show from Webshots.:
South Gate Stage
Thanks to all the casts and crews of South Gate Stage for your passion and devotion to our theatre program.
You are all AMAZING!
And to our Professional Partners - your generosity to our students was Awesome!
Thank you for the joy of working with you all...
HOWARD DANDO BLOG PAGES - click links below:
Dancers in the Dark - Number 1 Bestseller on Amazon's Top Dance and Music books.
Dancers in the Dark, available on all Ebook platforms
Video scenes from the novel below (featuring Kaitlyn Jenkins of the Disney series, Bunheads, and Elan Alekzander of the TV series, Big Apple Ballet.
Link to Amazon - Dancers in the Dark